Thursday, November 12, 2009

The thin veneer of civilization continues to hold in Middle America.

The much-feared Anti-Muslim pogram by the denizens of Bitterclingerville continues to unhappen, much to the chagrin of our betters; they were so looking forward to another round of righteous tongue-clucking and finger-wagging.


  1. I'm bitter, but not about Muslims.

    I'm bitter about the government.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Hey, you remember what happened last time when some ignorant thugs beat up a foreign intelligence agent working with Homeland Security for being an Arab, right? We nearly lost vital intelligence data and almost attacked innocent countries. Knowing that, how can we not fear a backlash?

  3. I'm bitter about political correctness.

  4. But they told us he caught PTSD from a toilet seat, and that calmed us down enough to avert a calamity.

  5. The anti-government and media program is going to be a doozy.

  6. I'm bitter too, but too lazy (ahem, tired) to run around after dark with my pitchfork and torch...and a reflective vest.

    And remind me, who are we supposed to be chasing, I lost the memo: the senator, the rep, "minority du jour", some smelly hippies?

  7. Maybe we should complain and make em use that hate crime bill they wanted so badly............


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