Tuesday, June 01, 2010


I have figured out what the ultimate niche for iPad-like devices is!

These are the first gizmos that will let you read comics on the toilet as easily as a newspaper does. It's the forerunner of the dedicated throne room internet gizmo!

And have you ever been doing your business and wondered to yourself "I wonder what the GDP of Venezuela is? It's too bad I don't have Wikipedia in here..." No? That's just me, then? Okay, anyway...

Get one that is humidity-resistant enough, and you could have the whole bathroom reading rack replaced.


  1. Will it fit in a one gallon freezer bag? Get one of those Ziplock double-seal bags and you could use it in the shower, too......

  2. I never much liked the concept of the Kindle - I'm much more a fan of actual dead tree books - until I got my iTouch.

    It's a pretty amazing feat to be able to sit on the throne, compose a blog post, and order cleaning supplies from MidwayUSA at the same time...

  3. "I wonder what the GDP of Venezuela is? It's too bad I don't have Wikipedia in here..."

    Great minds, etc. ...

  4. Problem is, if you get stuck because the previous occupant was inconsiderate, you can't rip out the editorial section and wipe with it.

  5. Er, dead tree media is a useful standby if one were to run out of toilet paper. Still, it would be one method of testing Apple's build quality.

    "Nope, no sharp edges on that one..."

  6. Apple invented the tablet computer like they invented the MP3 player.

  7. There has been a survey in the UK regarding "en-loo-tenment" while (whilst?) on the throne.

    Pretty common, it seems.


    To your knowledge, has anyone compiled a list of great "loo" ideas?

  8. Alan actually convinced me it might become a halfway decent portable gaming system. Its really more an item that compeats with the Nintendo DS, and with the eee PC, or a PDA/Smartphone.

    It is really nice for reading webpages in places that aren't a desk.

    Dunno about on the crapper, when I'm there I'm all business, get the job done, and move to the next item!

  9. Never understood the inclination that some have for reading while doing their business.

    Does one need to take that long, that being more than a couple of minutes, to drop the kids off at the pool?

    If you answered, "Yes," look into adding a bit more fiber to you diet, or maybe more exercise.

  10. Architect, you obviously never lived in a household where the time you spent in the bathroom was the ONLY time you had to yourself.

    And if I sit on a chair for more than one minute, I'm reading something.

  11. og,

    Time to myself?

    I have no idea of what you mean.

  12. lol. That's the time when no dog is whining for your attention, nobody is asking to be taken to the store, when nothing is being repaired or cooked or eaten or cleaned or shovelled or whatever.

    You know, death.

  13. Does it come with Uncle John's Bathroom Reader pre-loaded?
    Rey B

  14. Then, of course, there are the folks who want to love the iPad but can't seem to make the relationship work... link

    Me, I'm perfectly happy with my Kindle. Sadly, Uncle John's epics are not available for Kindle...yet.

    wv: eyseso. Well, I do.

  15. That's the time when no dog is whining for your attention, nobody is asking to be taken to the store, when nothing is being repaired or cooked or eaten or cleaned or shovelled or whatever.

    You know, death.

    Or the single life, at least until the cat wakes up ... *grins irrepressably, then flees*

  16. Regarding the dead tree benefits in the throne room, you could always hot glue a section of squegee to the iPad.

  17. EUREKA! I know I do, but I'm certain you do not...

  18. Wifey's been givin' me the stink-eye (heh) for years for my lengthy visits to the throne room accompanied by my little Vostro...

    Wait'll I tell her how ahead of the curve I've been all this time.


  19. ...a-a-a-nd this just in:
    This is from the Anchorage Daily News.
    Presented w/o commentary.

  20. Why, I've been using my iPhone for reading from and posting to blogs for years. As a matter of fact...

  21. 'sides, the best lights in there.

  22. I've got one of those little netbooks for that.

    I mean you could probably use one of those little netbooks for that.


  23. For that use, I'd want more than moisture-resistant. I'd want machine washable. I'm just saying.

    wv: pateanas -- Oh, is that what the discoloration on the iPad is?

  24. AT:

    Or when I am peacefully contemplating my navel, only to have my meditations rudely interrupted by the ex- shouting, "Hey in there, courtesy flush!"

    cap'n chumbucket

  25. Ayup.

    WV: Sneut. What I have cocked...


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