Friday, June 18, 2010

HAH! ( opposed to "heh.")

This picture is full of so much win it made my heart do a little dance:

Found here.


  1. Makes me think of this: Jane Austen & Fandom

    Especially the third strip on the page.

  2. Joanna,

    It was the cunning hats. The hats sent it over the top.

  3. To paraphrase, "A (wo)man walks down the street in that hat, people know (s)he's not afraid of anything."

  4. Who is Jayne Austen?

    Are they attempting to avoid litigation?

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. I'm having visions of a riding crop named "Vera".

  6. Heh, need to show the wife this. She's both a Firefly and Austin fan.

  7. OmiGod.

    You just made my weekend come early. Thank you. :)

  8. Sure do seem to be a lot of non-Browncoat-wearin' so-and-sos on the intard00bz these days...

  9. I've been getting newsletters from these people for some time now; they have some interesting articles at times.

  10. Whoa.
    I think I'm falling in love.
    Or something else equally strange.
    Oh well.

    Regrettably, I never was a Jane (Jayne?) Austen fan, really.
    The cunning hats are a nice touch, though.

  11. "Jayne...
    The woman they call Jayne..."

    So what gun to bring to these meetings?

  12. I'll be in my bunk

  13. I so love this picture.

  14. BobG, my wife has a subscription to "Garden and Gun".

  15. So Jane Austen was for Open Carry? AND she was a BRIT? How do I get to that parallel universe?

  16. Jayne Austen, Les. It's all in the hats.

  17. Hee - hee, the wife is gonna love it! She is forever at the library book club meetings, moderate to liberal on social issues (she's in medicine & health care, let's say) but she also has her CCW and thinks the Brady Bunch need a firing squad in the name of Liberty!

  18. So Jayne had a sex change? Why, that's as shocking as digging up our friend the Preacher and placing him on the nose in a place of honor! ( he said with an evil chuckle, gladly mixing metaphors and similes) ;)

  19. Sorry, the misspelling entirely ruins it. "Illiterate gun nuts," etc.

    Would have been very funny otherwise.

  20. "No grenades!?"
    "What if we run into reven...Reavers?"

  21. "Sorry, the misspelling entirely ruins it. "Illiterate gun nuts," etc."

    That thing that just went whooshing over your head? It was the punchline.

  22. *le sigh* I damned well hate explaining a joke, but here we go...

    For Anon 11:29 and others who feel confused:

    Jane Austen is a famous English writer.

    Jayne Cobb is a burly gun nut mercenary character on the SF series Firefly. He likes guns and sometimes wears an orange knit toque.

    Go look at the picture again. Of course you will not find it amusing, having needed it explained to you, but you should at least now grasp the thing at which everyone else is chortling.

  23. Kate Beaton says "Now there is an Austen Culture".

    She's almost a century late, if Kipling's "The Janeites" is any gauge.

    And thank you for the explanation, I didn't know the Firefly connection. Just thought it was in some Gay Pride parade.

  24. staghounds,

    "Just thought it was in some Gay Pride parade."

    Probably. I hope they won whatever the award was for Awesomest Group In The Parade. :)

  25. Vagitarians or not, that is just way too cool!

  26. Staghounds,

    Bless you for leading me to that Kipling story. I'm profoundly grateful.



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