Monday, August 02, 2010

The change it had to come, we knew it all along...

Having come to power in the surge of student dissatisfaction with Lyndon Baines Bush's foreign wars, Barack Milhous Obama is now realizing that he will be keeping the boys over there longer than the voters were initially promised. The State Media Organs must have orders to start spinning a new "Peace With No Honor-Killings" angle to appease the base.


Boat Guy said...

The problem will be that boy-wonder will try to do it on the cheap; he'll keep the boys (and girls)over there - just not enough of them, with enough juice to do the job. McChrystal was right to run Green Beans and Pizza Hut outta town, but under ObaMao most likely we'll bring the Field Artillery (what there is of it) home.

The Jack said...

I'm not sanquine on there being enough poltical or material juice to to the job but I agree that the Won is certianly trying to do things on the downlow.

I'm enough of a cynic to see this new batch of Whiz-Kids to like the idea of a comprimise of reducing the troops / not having a plan for victory (if such a thing existed) while while also keeping them there.

One wonders how long it'll take the Lefties to resume their war protestin' afterall they went after LBJ despite his D.

Or would it be racist this time around?

Tam said...

"One wonders how long it'll take the Lefties to resume their war protestin' afterall they went after LBJ despite his D."

LBJ was a Republican this time 'round; Nixon's the Dem. Heck, Florence King was calling W "Lyndon Baines Bush" on the back page of National Review back in '99 or '00.

(And let's not forget that the original Nixon was no conservative. Wage and price controls, remember?)

jimbob86 said...

" but under ObaMao most likely we'll bring the Field Artillery (what there is of it) home."

From what I understand, the FA is largely acting as Infantry, patrolling on foot and guarding convoys..... FAINO: Field Artillery In Name Only.

It's a changed a lot since I was an M110A2 (8" SP) crewman .... and not necessarily for the better.

Lewis said...


Wage and price controls? Ha, that's just the start. OSHA, EPA, bussing, ending the gold standard, indexing of social security, SSI, the war on (some) drugs, Consumer Products Safety Commission, and affirmative action (the Philadelphia Plan).

That's before he went to China.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Betcha Barry has a "Secret Plan" to "End the War", too!

Bubblehead Les. said...

Plus a Dumbass VeeP from the MaryWare Region, also. "Gov. Spiro WHO?"

Standard Mischief said...

I've just again started hearing the daily/weekly/monthly body count after months of silence in reporting from the MSM. And not yet a peep about "Obama's Surge". Y'all remember the squawking from the legacy media we got about that the first time that tactic was tried out?

JimB said...

Viet Nam II........ We leave.. Thousands die... It's all Bush'e fault. Typical Dem playbook. I'd hate to be the last GI killed in this clusterfuck...

staghounds said...

Even if there ARE enough soldiers to keep the Afghans from mutilating each other, it is not our responsibility.