Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thought so.

All the people who were defending these .410 revolving shot pistols as marketed for "snake defense" can be quiet now, unless tritium front sights and CTC Lasergrips are common accessories for snake guns where you live...

*Le sigh.*

Where's the light rail?


  1. Don't make me sing the rail song again.

  2. I put guns like this in the same category as pistol-gripped shotguns. Just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you should do a thing.

  3. Matt,

    Don't get me started on PGO shotties. ;)

  4. What if you get carjacked at night, huh? Or what if you're a judge who gets attacked by a snake at night? Didn't think of those eventualities, did you, Ms. Snark?

    Exit question: is there any legal prohibition on cutting down the barrel of the new Taurus Judge in 28ga?

  5. Sad to say, i went thru a PGO phase when i was 19 or 20 because it looked "cool". Then i fired one, thus giving me one more lesson in just how much I DIDN'T know despite my smug teenage outlook that I knew everything. I've always been one to learn things the hard way :)

  6. c'mon now; folks are just trying to answer Cooper's question "What is it for?". Not that those answers make any sense...
    I'll stick to my 4" heavy barrel Mod 10 for "snake shot" - or buy a replica LeMat

  7. And grandpa's house, the "snake gun" was always a 5 foot long weathered 2x6. Apparently you pulled the trigger by slamming down one end, semi-vertically, on the snakes head. Nearly silent.

  8. I know it's not for the S&W, but if there's one for Taurus, one for the Smith will be coming out soon.

  9. yes, but will it take .444 marlin? ;-)

    Looks less fugly, takes .45 ACP, holds an extra round.

    I've taken a glance at the PDF brochure, have they EVER pimped that integral lock as a feature? Their ad makes them look like they don't want anyone to know the lock even exists.

  10. Dammit.

    Until now I was holding out hope that this was a hoax, a prank, a sick sick joke promulgated at the expense of those who hate S&W...


  11. Snake defense?

    While I'm pretty much a live and let live kind of guy, I never had any trouble killing a rattlesnake with a stick or a rock when I was growing up.

    None of said sticks or rocks had lasers, rails or tacticool flashlights.


  12. Where's the light rail?

    Most places won't allow people to carry a gun on the people mover Tam. Can't feature you ever using the light rail. ;-)

    w/v: lumin, I $#!t you not.

  13. Duh! The lasergrip is for shark-jumping.

  14. Almost off topic: Great-grandmother, Mary had a real phobia regarding snakes. She ran into the farmhouse one day yelling about a "horned snake." GGD James, went out to find a snake that had caught a frog and had swallowed all but its legs, which were stiffly sticking out each side of the snakes mouth, which Mary thought were the evil snakes horns. I'm fairly sure his "snake gun" was a garden hoe. I recall when Marlin came out with a lever action .410. I asked gunstore dude to see one. He asked, "What would you want one for?" Nevermind, was the proper answer that day. Kentucky Jones

  15. Reminds me of a review I read for the BMW X6. "It's an answer to a question nobody asked."

  16. A .410 revolving shot pistols is for when you are roming around in the desert in the middle of winter and you see a cave and your'e like I want to know whats in there.
    So, you go exploring. Your roming around and its getting dark in there and you feel something move across your foot. you pause for a sec and go wait I got a light on my new .410 revolving shot pistols. You flip on that light and you're in that scene from Raders of the Lost Ark, because you've stumbled onto a rattle snake den.

    Know I betch you're glad you got a .410 revolving shot pistols now.

  17. I equate the Governor and Judge with Sarah Palin.

    Those who love them, REALLY love them even though they are ill suited for the job at hand (though Sarah wins in the looks dept).

    Those who hate them, hate them with such a passion they tend to foam at the mouth and make those of us who could give a shit about either wonder if they've gone mad.

    I bet those Judge owners
    drive big SUVs

  18. So the 28ga one they've got coming out is just for really big snakes...?

  19. Make it a 20ga Side by Side, with a rifling a twist of 1 in 63360". Call it the S&W Howdah and I'm good for one.


  20. So now S&W is making knockoffs of Taurus.

    I've seen the quality of the newer S&W revolvers, even had to send one back to the factory (twice!). I know the newer Taurus revolvers are supposed to be low-quality, but I'm not impressed with the newer S&W either.

    If I need a revolver, I'll stick with my 1960s Model 10 or my older Taurus 85 that's been every bit as reliable.

  21. Maddi Ross might not a lost her arm if Rooster had night sights and a laser on his snake gun when he was going down into that cave! Didja ever think of that?

  22. Remember, for maximum shotshell-rotator awsum, there's the Taurus/Rossi Circuit Judge carbine version.

    Now, let's tactical/laser one o' them up!

  23. Taurus and S&W need to fight over who gets Samuel L. Jackson as a spokesman.

  24. Garden hoe has been the snake gun for 3 generations of women in our family. None of the men ever felt the need to kill a snake except to shut up a hysterical woman.

    As to the Judge, load it with #8 shot and use it left handed to reach out the window and knock those irritating blobs of ice off your wipers.

  25. Kudos for keeping the LeMat reference alive, Boat Guy.

    The Governator needs rails, I agree... and a mini red dot too, why not. Or maybe a scout scope - a 1-4x Accupoint on a QD mount aught to do.

    Watermelons and snakes, plz to TR3MB4L!!!!

  26. "Light rail?" More like where's the bottle opener, because there sure musta been a few bottles opened before that idea popped out.

  27. You know what's great for killing snakes? A shovel. No laser required.

  28. Question: How are the .45 ACP (rimless, last I checked) cartridges heaspaced in this..... um ..... thing? There a stepped chamber in there? Moon clips?

    And I'm suprised the marketing weasels didn't claim "FOUR!!!!!!1111 Cartridges!!!!!1111", as .45 Autorim oughta work in there, too....

  29. jimbob86,

    ".45 Autorim oughta work in there, too...."

    Depending on the headspacing mechanism for ACP, the rim on .45AR might be too thick...

  30. Here in California, the Mojave Green variant of rattlesnake tends to be aggressive and chase people. And I had one of these, I would only use .45 Colt. I already have a 625 (shoots .45 ACP) so not interested.

  31. How else you gonna hit that snake in the dark?

    Jimbib: Moon clips. It says so in the PDF brochure in very small print.

  32. You broke my heart, Smith & Wesson.

    You broke my heart.

  33. Though I'm not in the market for one, I'm really pretty impressed with the derision of the thing, here.

    When y'all laugh at "what does it do that my X gun doesn't do?", and go on with "what's it good for?" snark, it smacks as being in the same vein as the anti-gunners, asking "what do you need a gun like that, for?!?" As I say: it's not my cuppa, but I'm not going to deride it.

    The funniest part about it to me is the fact that Smith isn't even trying to hide the fact that they're copying Taurus. Taurus had a product that was selling well, and Smith said, "We'll do that, but we'll make ours even betterer!" It probably is actually a slightly better revolver, actually. With CT grips, it's a faster point-shooter. But why not go whole hawg, and call it the Governator? They could present one to the California governor when they get it passed to sell there.

  34. That would be the funniest scenario of all - a firearm called the Governator that can't get approved for sale in CA.

    wv: messes. We'll see.

  35. Matt G,

    What's it for? Why, to sell, of course! ;)

  36. As a capitalist, I'm down with that.

  37. I also don't get the foaming-mouthed hatred of the Judge.

    I had the opportunity to shoot one, and did. Five pellets of 00 with one shot, from a handgun. Repeat up to five times as necessary.

    I just can't see what's not to like.

  38. Matt: We're not trying to ban it, we're just making fun of it.

    I don't want to ban those mid-80's cars the kids are putting 30 inch rims on either, but I sure as hell make fun of 'em.

  39. mariner,

    "Mockery" ≠ "Hatred"

    Shootin' Buddy had one he bought on a lark. He didn't try to make any excuses about how he "needed it for snakes" or try to convince himself that a couple pellets of severely-reduced-velocity buckshot or an 88-grain slug (lighter and with less sectional density than a .380 Golden Saber!) is some kind of useful anti-personnel weapon; he bought it because it was goofy and looked like it might be fun. Not every gun needs to fill some tactical combat niche.

    What is drawing the mockery is the fact that these guns are being marketed as though they fill one.

  40. Tom said...Make it a 20ga Side by Side, with a rifling a twist of 1 in 63360". Call it the S&W Howdah and I'm good for one.

    Hewll. make it a 12 or 10 and watch the lines form waiting for one.

  41. Hat's off to all you folks who kill snakes with garden tools etc. Bein pretty old-school myself I like multiple-funtion adaptable tools.
    Still, over the last summer I was walking (trotting behind) a couple of Airedale pups whose brio still exceeds their considerable brains, so I assesed the need and bought CCI shot cartridges for the wheelgun I usually carried (Miculuk 625) but went to the .38 after taking the .45 to the pattern board. Haven't rounded the bend to find my two buddies confronting one of our plentiful rattlers (who are now all supposed to be sleeping the long winter's nap). I'm now a little more concerned about the cougars who are comin down from the hills in search of those large cloven-hooved rats other folks call "deer" so we're back to "solid shot" in the wheelguns.

  42. This does raise an interesting question or two: Does it belong in a collection of S&W Wheelguns?
    And what are they going to call THAT frame size?

  43. D.W. Drang said: "And what are they going to call THAT frame size?"
    Well, I think they call the .50 magnum frame the "X" frame, so maybe this one should be the "XXL"?


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