Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Homeward bound.

Like rolling the string back onto the spool, I find myself in a room in the same Little Rock motel I was in this time last week, pecking out yet another post on a dinky Eee keyboard.

It's dark outside, I can hear a jet on short final overhead, and the TeeVee is making noise just because I'm not ready for silence at the moment. (Apparently I unplug from the net for a few days and you people let the Iranians get all out of control again. Can't have nothin' nice...)

Well, time to go check out and get eastbound and down...


  1. Next year we're renting a van and driving out from the Northeast.

    Save you a spot?

  2. Hie thee homeward, Child...and Godspeed.

  3. Try not to thrash the traffic too badly.

    Arrive home unscathed.

  4. Ah, the joys of stopping over in Little Rock on a road trip out West. Hope you brought your Kindle. Safe Trip.

  5. Safe travels Tam. It was good to meet you and I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.

  6. ...loaded up and truckin'!
    We're gonna do what they say can't be done.

    What? Sorry, just had a '70s flashback.

  7. Talk about an earworm, now I have Simon and Garfunkel AND Jerry Reed taking turns in my head. Going to be a long afternoon...

  8. Don't stick your snout near any porcupines....

  9. I have never been to Little Rock or Arkansas at all...I've been above and below it.

  10. Jay.... wanna swerve that van down into PA maybe?

  11. If I were home I'd have bought you dinner.

    Well, maybe, next time.

  12. You probably picked up enough Texas Pixie dust to hold you for a bit, just passing through.

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