Tuesday, April 24, 2012

...and then you wake up in a bathtub full of ice...

I sometimes jokingly refer to my local gun store as "Death Camp Guns & Gear" because it's practically across the street from the Amtrak repair yard in Beech Grove that the Reynold's Wrap yarmulke crowd insist is a secret FEMA extermination camp, based on a video that went viral amongst the conspiranoiacs on the internet years ago.

No matter how many times this rumor gets proven to be the ludicrous pack of nonsense that it is, it keeps popping up like mushrooms in a cow pasture, and fertilized by much the same stuff.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Only someone who is barely multi-celled and dumber than Jell-o could look at all the evidence and still believe that it is a secret FEMA death camp.


  1. OMG... You... you.. YOU'RE IN ON IT, TOO!!!!


  2. SIGH.

    If you could PROVE it was a Secret FEMA Deathcamp Facility® then it wouldn't me a SECRET FEMA Deathcamp Facility® would it?

  3. Oh crap, I know someone who's husband works there.

    I wonder if he is actually a prison guard instead of an electrician? Or maybe he's the guy that hits the switch that finishes the transformation from the railway into teh death camp! Maybe all those houses are lived in by emergency FEMA SS soldiers. And when he hits the button the road flips over on it's side and becomes a concrete wall and all those houses sprout FEMA Flags so they who not to bomb. While the railroad transforms into a high speed monorail for air force trains to land on.

    OMG, I've been there, they probably already have my face on tape and know where I live, they know where I work too! I have to warn every befo'.sd, as

  4. We have one of those in Millington, too. To the average person, it looks like a minimum security detention facility. But to those in the know, it's a FEMA death camp.

  5. I thought all FEMA death camps were hidden beneath the local Greyhound bus station.

  6. I hadn't heard of that particular brand of conspiracy. I liked the logic: Unheated building + new furnace = death camp.

  7. I just about fell out of my chair when I came across the FEMA camp in the new Deus Ex game. The developers had obviously done their homework and the giant FEMA logo on the floor was a nice touch.

  8. Well, I was a long time reader of this blog, but it is abundantly clear to me now that you are in on it.

    I thought of all people, you, Tam, would be able to tell the difference between a place disguised by the government, to appear to be an Amtrak repair facility, and a FEMA death camp.

    I think, we all know it is a FEMA death camp, it has to be. Why? Because Amtrak hasn't had enough business to require repair to a train in years.

  9. You have your own concentration camp next door-like?

    So jealous.

  10. I still say Candlejack is an Internet urba

  11. @Ken wins.

    I miss Death Camp Guns, those guys were good peoples. I'd make the drive from Fishers to pick up guns down there because the service was better there than any of the shops further north.

  12. You SEE how well it's worked?

  13. It's because they eat the mushrooms that spring up out of the cow-pies that the keep popping up.

  14. The comments in that entry were priceless, particularly one going by the nom-de-plume of "Smiles."

    When I was in Korea in 1990/1991, there was a brothel outside of Camp Pelham (or was it Liberty? It's been so long...) that went by the name of "Smiles," whose business model and mode of payment was very closely linked to the its name. That's all I'll say - minors may be reading.

    I'm sure the connection - as well as the humor - would be lost on the commenter. I mean, what do you say to a person who thinks planting fruit trees in your yard will not only save you lock-stock-and-barrel from the coming collapse, but also somehow leave you proof against the FEMA dethkamps he insists are just around the corner?

    You can find many more like him at:


    It's a site best taken in small bites. Spend too much time there and it just becomes kind of sad, like a strip club or the zoo.


  15. THIS is the rel plan:


  16. "That's what big tinfoil WANTS you to think!"

  17. The drive in is closed...

    would you gentleman like a Pepsi?

  18. The locals here in Denver assure me that the big death camp is located under DIA. You can tell by the ventilators sticking up from the ground.

    They tell me, then they disappear, so the stories are not too widespread.

    Which reminds meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  19. Are there degrees of being single- or multi-celled?

  20. Heh.

    I still get the auto-emails from that Depleted Cranium thread you just went in and stirred up the other day. I had a feeling There Could Be Only One "Tam."

  21. Read the DC comments.

    The stupid, it burns us, precious.


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