Friday, May 18, 2012

The Daily Drudgery...

Roomie is off to Dayton for the great big Hamvention thingie. I bowed out with the intention of getting some yardwork done, since I stopped by Locally Grown Gardens yesterday after picking up the Broad Ripple SUV from the shop and grabbed some vegetable starts and herbs. (In addition to getting some tomato and jalapeƱo starts, we'll be adding parsley to the mint, thyme, rosemary, and sweet marjoram growing here and there on the Roseholme Cottage grounds.) There're a few other household chores to knock out today, too.

But first, I think I'll pedal up to Broad Ripple Village proper and get another one of those Butler Dogs at Plump's Last Shot for lunch. Maybe stop at Kroger on the way back for groceries, to make the trip feel productive...


  1. Perhaps she'll bump into my Japanese co-worker.
    Everybody was amused when we found out he took a vacation day for the Ham convention.

  2. You know there are 4 giant hangars full of airplanes, missiles and assorted accessories up there right?

  3. Wait! you're a HAM, too? Lawsie, could it be any more perfect! My Beloved Girlfriend, endlessly patient, long-suffering, Loyal, gunnie herself, is soon finishing up her Tech class. You may well be the Venus after whom she is sculpted! (...or, am I getting annoyingly effusive in my praise?)


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