Friday, May 18, 2012

Summertime In SoBro, 2012 Edition, Vol. II

The Monon Trail north of 54th Street is a pleasant, leafy green tunnel. Shady and with pavement better than any street for miles around. Fairly well-used this time of year, too. As I was putting the camera away from this shot, I got buzzed by a pack of lycra-clad puffing road bike riders.

Once into Broad Ripple proper, the trail crosses the canal. On the right of this picture is the Canal Bistro, where we've had a couple blogmeets. Directly ahead is the bridge from which the hippie plummeted.

Plump's Last Shot doesn't open 'til noon, and I was about fifteen minutes early, so I pedaled around and noticed the "OPEN" sign was lit at Fire By The Monon. Always scouting for new blogmeet locations, I figured I'd give it a try.

The special for the day was a grilled Reuben. Delish. That's homemade corned beef and a scratch dressing that was sort of a mustard/chili-infused Thousand Island sort of thing. Whatever, it was great. I used it on the sandwich and what was left over got slurped up with fries. Washed it all down with a Sun King Chaka Belgian amber ale. I've run into the guys from Sun King Brewery at MCF&G before.

After lunch, a stop at the local Kroger. That basket on the back of the Broad Ripple SUV pops off its bicycle Picatinny rail with the click of a button and can be carried into the store for your shopping. Also, it gives Chewie the Purse Wookie a good view.


  1. Love Fire by the Monon. Found them last fall when I was looking for somewhere for my anniversary lunch.

    Need to go back soon. Picked up the deck of restaurant coupons last time we were there.

  2. Some pretty smart writing here. Followed you here via a comment left at Improved Clinch. You share my sentiment for bikes, and plates of food. Probably more. Stop by my place sometime, if you care to.

  3. That's a pretty area. I'll have to visit that part of the country some day.

  4. "The Monon Trail" - tell me again why I shouldn't think gee, a leafier version of Gunsite's famous "Wash". I think I'd have my condition code a bit closer to Orange than Yellow...

  5. Great pics ! Food looks yummy !

  6. Great post!
    We have a great rail/trail-Jax-Baldwin here in Florida. There's a dirt trail for the horses.
    You have the nicest restaurants in your posts. I'm always getting hungry reading your blog; or wanting to buy another sidearm.

  7. Al T.,

    ""The Monon Trail" - tell me again why I shouldn't think gee, a leafier version of Gunsite's famous "Wash". I think I'd have my condition code a bit closer to Orange than Yellow..."

    There have been a couple-three daylight muggings on that stretch of the Monon in the last four years. Thanks to the strengthened preemption law that passed last year, I can have my trusty heater handy. :)

  8. That's a really good idea, that bike basket.

    Hmm. Since I already have a Zionsville SUV, I think I might need to make a new, pedal-ier Zionsville SUV...

  9. Oh, man...

    Tam, you need to check <a href=">this</a> out, if you haven't already. It got noticed on io9, so it's kinda snowed under by traffic, but...still, a person could lose weeks in that site...

  10. In a Triton Brewery glass = Awesome!

  11. What are those small things in the background? They rather resemble soviet style "reduced expectations" shopping carts for shopping at GUM.

  12. Actually, I prefer the little double-decker shopping carts. Unless I'm picking up something bulky like paper towels or cat litter, they're a lot easier to maneuver around the store, especially a bitty little store like the Broad Ripple Kroger which tries to cram an entire modern supermarket into a '50s vintage grocery store building.

    When you're buying groceries for two adults for three or four days and not a family of five for two weeks, those bitty little biplane carts are perfect. :)

  13. The most telling thing about them? Where regular grocery carts have a folding kiddie seat, they have a purse/iPad-sized ledge with a cup holder.

    I have not experimented to see if it's the right size for a highball glass yet.

  14. Where did you get your bike basket? That's pretty cool.

  15. It's a Bontrager "BackRack and the associated rear basket.

    The cool thing is that the mounting system lets you swap it out for a trunk bag or panniers or whatever with the push of a button.

  16. I like the kitty-toy on your keychain. Almost looks like paracord, which would be double-win, of course.

  17. It is 550 cord, wrapped around the chewy nougat center of a .750" steel ball. ;)

  18. RKN,

    "Some pretty smart writing here. Followed you here via a comment left at Improved Clinch. You share my sentiment for bikes, and plates of food. Probably more. Stop by my place sometime, if you care to. "

    Thank you! I'll be happy to. :)


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