Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Unexpected regret...

Broad Ripple High School, alma mater of angry beard-o David Letterman, former Second Lady Marilyn Quayle, and current baller Paul George, is no more.

The remains are being squabbled over. Charter schools are interested in the property and would seem to have the law on their side, but developers are anxious to anchor the opposite end of The Strip by planting another ginormous "multi-use" office/retail/apartment space there. (What's Broad Ripple quality of life going to be worth in rent premiums when it takes you thirty minutes to negotiate the handful of blocks to College or Keystone Avenues on your daily commute?)

My big regret is that I never got around to getting up there to take in a football game by the Broad Ripple Rockets.

When the air turned crisp and smelled of fallen leaves and woodsmoke, you could just hear the crowd and a hint of the announcer's voice over the speakers from about a mile away to the north, maybe see a little skyglow from the stadium lights if there was a touch of overcast to reflect it...