Monday, July 17, 2023

That Guy

In a discussion elsewhere with Guy Relford, I noted:
"In every class, there's always at least one student who is there to show the instructor (and the rest of the class) how much they know.

I can't decide if it's funnier when it happens in a hands-on class or a legal class.

It always leaves me thinking "Dude, the rest of us are here to learn from the guy up there in the front of the room. Will you just take your whuppin' and shut up?"

It's one thing to ask questions, it's another entirely to tear off on pointless anecdotes to demonstrate how much you know. In a class environment, your fellow students... and you ...paid money to receive knowledge from the teacher. You should let them give it to you, rather than stealing time from your fellow patrons.
Tom Givens dispensing wisdom.