Friday, June 07, 2024

Le sigh...

Blog Poster: "I went to the Walmart in a census-designated-place in upstate NY with a population of less than 2k and wow, the camera section in modern big box stores has really shriveled up."

Commenter: "Well here in Austin, Texas, a state capital city of a million people and a regional... if not national ...hub for creatives, we have three camera stores!"
Ah, internet. Don't you ever go changing on me...

For reference, Indianapolis had two local/regional camera chains when I moved here in 2008, but one is now gone and the other has shrunk down to just its mothership storefront downtown.

Indy has about the same population as Austin, but isn't quite the regional mecca for artsy types as the Texas capital, especially with us having Chicago right up the road. Plus we have Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus (OH and IN), St. Louis, and Louisville all an easy half day's jaunt or less away. We punch way out of our weight class in the cool cars department, but we're pretty typical of a middlin' big American city when it comes to the arts and creative stuff.
