Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Can I get an amen?

One of my rules on Instagram is I'm there to see pictures of your food and your dog and your kids and flowers and sunsets. I unfollow people on the 'Grams who clutter their feed with political memes. 

If I do that, it doesn't mean I don't like you, but I'm not on Instagram for that. 

If I want to see your politics, I'll go to Facebook, which is apparently made for angry political rants. 

But there need to be spaces in your life that aren't consumed by that nonsense, which is why I enjoyed this piece:
Keep politics out of most relationships and institutions. When people violate pluralistic norms in the workplace or at school or in some other organization, things start to fall apart. This is increasingly the case today as formerly non-political institutions have now been overtaken by people pressing the same dumb culture wars and partisan politics that drive people mad and create conflicts elsewhere.

Don’t be this person. We all need to do a better job of keeping our politics separate from the rest of life—and people in positions of authority within institutions need to better enforce pluralistic norms and rules to help keep it that way.
Another worthwhile read this morning.
