Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Danger Signs

E.B. Misfit linked to a banger of a piece at Vanity Fair on the Titan disaster:
Fortunately, I knew enough to speak to a few people before I got anywhere near the Titan. One phone call was all it took.

Terry Kerby, the veteran chief pilot of the University of Hawaii’s two deep-sea subs, the Pisces IV and the Pisces V, recoiled when I asked him what he thought about OceanGate. “Be careful of that,” he warned. “That guy has the whole submersible community really concerned. He’s just basically ignoring all the major engineering rules.” He paused to make sure this had sunk in, and then added emphatically: “Do not get into that sub. He is going to have a major accident.”
It looks like it's an excerpt from a book, which I just added to my Kindle stack. Her prose really pops*, so the book should be a good read. I've had an interest in subs dating back to early childhood field trips to the U-505 and an old National Geographic with a copiously-illustrated story on the Trieste.

*Bobbi was just commenting that the contraction of the magazine industry has left us with fewer magazines, but generally better ones. (Ignoring zombie husks of former magazines, like Newsweek, that shamble around the internet devouring people's brains.)