At an adorable 3.5 pounds, the black-footed cat has the right to be among the crankiest of them all...
"Adorably big-eyed and smaller than a house cat, black-footed cats are far more successful at hunting than lions. They can jump up to five feet in the air and 6½ feet in distance; they kill eight to 14 meals per night and can eat 3,000 rodents a year.That new resident at the Salt Lake City Zoo is pretty much fully grown at three pounds, which is about a fifth of the mass of Huck or Holden when they're in fighting trim. (Less than a fifth if we haven't been monitoring their dinner portions carefully.)
“They’re considered the fierce cat,” said Bob Cisneros, Hogle Zoo’s associate director of animal care, who described kitten Gaia as a “mighty warrior.”
“These guys are voracious hunters,” he said."
It looks like if I want to see black-footed cats, the closest ones are in Cleveland's Metroparks Zoo or the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago.