Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Speaking of football...

The last time I really paid much attention to NFL football was the Eighties, when I was in high school.

In 2009 I described the Rip Van Winkle sensation of tuning in to a game:
"Wasn't that pass interference?" "Do they know they only have one running back?" "How can they go for two? This isn't college football." "When did they start using jet packs and lasers?"
I've started watching a little more. The corner pub, Fat Dan's, airs Bears home games and also the Colts if the Bears aren't playing. It's still pretty Rip Van Winkle to me, but I'm getting the hang of thirty years worth of rules changes.

Over at The Online Photographer, Mike has a lengthier dive into the changes as he's noticed them.
