Thursday, April 25, 2019

Rainy Wednesday

Wednesday morning, after my visit to Indy Arms Co, I headed downtown to pick up some processed film at Roberts Camera.

My order wasn't supposed to be ready until noon, so I figured I'd grab a little lunch on the way down. I stopped at Goose the Market, but the little enoteca in the basement didn't start serving until noon. Down to Mass Ave it was, then. After orbiting the block twice trying to find a parking spot close to The Eagle, I gave up and parked a block north and walked down.

I passed the same homeless dude sitting on the sidewalk near Bru Burger that Bobbi and I had encountered on Saturday. This time he had his cat out of its carrier and napping in his lap. He greeted me as I walked past...

The wait at The Eagle was going to be fifteen minutes, and so I jogged across the street to Louie's Wine Dive instead. When I left the restaurant, it had started to rain and, walking back to the car, dude was still sitting out there with his cat.

As I got back to my car, I made a snap decision and circled the block to the Marathon on the corner of Alabama & Michigan, where I hit the ATM for a twenty. I bought a can of cat food and put it and a five in the bag, then I headed back toward the car, making a stop along the way...

"Hey, what's your friend's name?"

"Her name is Princess."

"I got something for you guys. Mind if I take her picture?"

"Thank you. Say hello, Princess."