Thursday, April 25, 2019

Strange Times, Stranger Bedfellows

Let's go over some of the greatest hits of former congresswoman Cynthia "Slugger" McKinney (Crazy-GA):
For whatever reason, she'd fallen largely off my personal lolcow radar for a while, but she popped up out of the ground clutter again by, of all things, being a guest on an internet nazi podcast (cue Jake: "I hate internet nazis.") Because if there's one thing that the kookiest fringes of the Left and Right can agree on, it's the jooooooz.

Or, as I wrote in 2008:
The world of the conspiranoiac is a fascinating one, and it proves that the space-time continuum curves back on itself. Head way on out there to the right, on out past Fred, out even past Alex Jones, and you suddenly find yourself in the middle of Rage Against The Machine fans, looking at Cynthia McKinney from the other side.