Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Sleep for Safety

Class this weekend was in Terre Haute, which is barely over an hour away. I took MAG-40 at Sand Burr Gun Ranch up in Rochester, which is about an hour and a half's worth of driving.

I know there are people who will commute those kinds of distances, but I'm a big fan of getting a hotel room close to the range.

I do this for two different safety-oriented reasons:

First, I'd like to point out that statistically speaking, the most dangerous firearms related activity any of us do is driving to and from the range. I'd like to do as little of that driving either half-awake in the morning, barely caffeinated, or hanging on my chin strap with exhaustion after two to four days on the range.

Secondly, a reasonably intensive pistol class is a massive window of opportunity for an accident to happen, simply because you are in and out of a holster so many times with a loaded handgun. If I can help my concentration by being rested and alert by getting that extra hour's sleep in a nearby motel room rather than driving, I will take that.

Pat Rogers once pointed out to me that the HIX is rarely in the worst part of town, and I've been an assiduous collector of IHG points since then.

(One habit I used to have that I need to get back into was that when staying in motels on the road, I'd only use the elevator to get my gear to and from the room for check-in and check-out, and take the stairs for everything else.)