Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ignorance is No Excuse…

Several years ago at TacCon…this was one of the ones I attended at DARC outside of Little Rock, so it would have been 2017 or 2018…I attended a lecture presented by Claude Werner. 

I can’t remember the exact title of the block of instruction and my notes aren’t handy because I’m typing this on my iPad at lunch, but knowing the Tactical Professor, it was some variation on The Serious Mistakes Gun Owners Make.

Anyhow, early in the class, he asked how many people in the audience had traveled from out of state to get there. Most every hand went up. He then asked how many were carrying firearms while they were visiting Arkansas. Again, most hands in the tent.

Then he asked how many had looked up the specific Arkansas legal codes surrounding carrying firearms and how they may be used in the defense of self and others.

There was a lot of uncomfortable shuffling of feet and nervous glancing around the room, and I was among those doing so*.

Claude looked like a disappointed professor. He pointed out that the information was online for free and that carrying in another jurisdiction and expecting everything to operate the way it did back home was courting disaster.

*At the time, my usual check when traveling to another state was whether “No Guns” signs had the force of law or not, and whether or not it was a no-no to carry in a sit-down restaurant that served alcohol.
