Friday, October 06, 2023

Very Awareness. Such Situational. Wow.

Twice in nine days, in the same city, only a few miles apart, some open carrier gave a free gun to the person behind them in line at the gas station checkout counter. Both those guys are only alive today because the dudes who snatched the pistols right off their hips didn't feel like committing a murder that day.

I guess the crooks didn't realize they were supposed to be deterred*.

Now, I know that all y'all who open carry in urban or suburban environments stand in checkout lines with six feet between you and the people ahead of you and behind you, shifting your glance around constantly like Angel Eyes before the final gunfight in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, with your elbow protecting your gun in that level two Safariland SLS, plus you all have blue belts in BJJ and extensive training in weapon retention, so this could never happen to y'all, and that's great!

I'll note that, for all practical purposes, this is open carry.

*I keep saying this: Having a pistol visible on your hip isn't, in and of itself, a deterrent. It's just letting everyone know there's a gun on your belt. They get to decide how deterred they feel.

(H/T to Gorillafritz.)