Saturday, December 09, 2023

Not thrilling me with your rhetoric.

There's a businessman from the northeast of the state, name of Doden, who's spending a mint on TV ads for his 2024 Hoosier gubernatorial campaign. 

I'm presuming he's launching this big ad campaign because current Senator Mike Braun has a huge leg up in the race. Braun has name recognition and existing campaigning infrastructure, plus endorsements from both traditional Republican orgs like Club for Growth and Americans for Prosperity, as well as the big one, an endorsement from Trump himself.

Anyway, this other GOP candidate keeps touting his background as "the grandson of a preacher" in his ads, which leaves me feeling all "Bro, we're not holding an election for state chaplain, here."

Plus in his latest ad, homie vibes like a slightly fashy Forrest Gump. See for yourself: