Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Midweek Memes…


Monday, March 03, 2025

Tab Clearing...


Memes Upon a Monday Morn...


KMUX (San Francisco) is down and needs a critical part replaced but, uh, everybody's government credit cards have been turned off. They can still get a part via a P.O., but that's gonna take longer. Efficiency, comrades!


Sunday, March 02, 2025

March Comes in Like a Meme Dump...

"I had no idea the Messiah was one of those public transit obsessed weirdos."

Variable Air

Last week started out warm for late February...this far into winter anything above freezing feels like sunbathing weather and las Monday got up to 54°F ...and it just kept getting warmer, to the point that Friday afternoon was a sunny 65°F.

What should have been an omen that something Midwestern was about to happen, though, was the steady 30MPH breeze, occasionally gusting close to 50.

Sure enough, Saturday morning it was below freezing and spitting snow flurries.

March has definitely decided to come in like a lion. It's 17 degrees out there as I type this.


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Fixin' to...

Putting together a series of book reports on my favorite Sci Fi trilogy you've never heard of.

Just finished reading Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds for probably the dozenth time and starting in on the second book of the trilogy...


Memes! Memes! Memes!

Other Writing...
