Someone please tell me this is not an official Chrysler offering...
Books. Bikes. Boomsticks.
“I only regret that I have but one face to palm for my country.”
Even Costco has jumped on the bandwagon, delivering survival kits in handy backpacks — enough food for two weeks, knives, a hatchet, duct tape, a tent and first-aid kit.What I want to know is if zombies are mentioned anywhere in the marketing. Whichever, "prepping" is pretty mainstream now, if you can buy your pre-packed bugout bags on the next aisle over from the lawn chairs.
Me: "Huh. Jeb Corliss is banned for life from setting foot in the Empire State Building..."
RX: "Was it all of 'em, or just the one?"
Never visualized distance as time in a cosmic sense before.You know, a lot of concepts surrounding relativity had been gently bouncing off my skull for years. I mean, I knew them because I had been told them, but didn't really grok them in their fullness until the other day when I read Why Does E=mc²?: (And Why Should We Care?)
TK: Where is my pickup?
Raquel M.: Hi, this is Raquel M.. I'll be happy to assist you.
TK: It has been five hours since I requested a pickup. How do I find out when the driver will get here?
Raquel M.: I currently do not show a pick up has been scheduled.
TK: ???
Raquel M.: Are you referring to Boberg Arms Corporation?
TK: Yes. From Indy to Minneapolis.
Raquel M.: Did you receive a pickup request number?
TK: I'm trying to paste it in here...
TK: #tracking_number
Raquel M.: It states that request number is incorrect.
Raquel M.: To schedule a pickup on-line, please visit: Http://wesuck@cust.serv
TK: I did that. That's where I got that number. It told me my card has been billed for $9.19 and gave me the code #tracking_number
Raquel M.: Okay that number worked fine. It states your pick up will occur today by 5:00 pm
TK: It is currently 6:01.
Raquel M.: I need to forward your information to the local package center for resolution. Please provide me with the following information:
* Your last name
* The best telephone number to reach you
TK: K.
TK: ten.digit.number
TK: Add that I am absolutely underwhelmed.
Raquel M.: No problem, Thanks. It will take me just a few minutes to put this through. I will be right with you.
Raquel M.: Thanks for your patience. I have forwarded your information to the appropriate package center for further assistance. You can expect a call today within an hour. Do you have any other questions?
Raquel M.: I haven't heard from you in a while. Unless you have more questions I'll go ahead and end the chat.
TK: Hello?
Raquel M.: Yes i'm here.
TK: When is my pickup?
TK: I requested between 1220 and 1700 EST.
Raquel M.: Once the center gives you a call they will let you know.
TK: And when will they call me?
Raquel M.: You can expect a call today within an hour
TK: *sigh* Thank you.
Raquel M.: You're welcome. Have a great day.
Raquel M.: has disconnected.
Me: "Nooooo!"The world would be a better place with little frogs that wore toadstool bonnets and sang "Lalalalalala!" is all I'm saying. Every time that last one disappears from the screen, I die a little inside, and I couldn't care less how many electric trucks FedUPS has.
RX: "The driver should have hit him with the clipboard."
Me: *feeling actual tears in my eyes* "How can you say that? The singing frog is so cute!"
RX: "Look, a church for sale... Hey, you could buy it and set up your own! 'Tamara's First Church of Sit the %*&# Down'! You could write sermons on topics you think are important, like 'You Can Google That $#!t'."
Me: "That'd look awesome on the little sign out front. Wow, it's like you know me or something."
Me: "Wait, there's something I'm not getting here..."I ran the word-sounds I had heard through my parser again and realized that what I had heard was "the increment isn't fine" and not "the anchorman isn't funny", and then started laughing too. However, "the anchorman isn't funny" became the all-purpose phrase at Roseholme for the rest of the day.
RX: "My control inputs are digital, not analog, and the inc..."
Me: "Yeah, I get that, but I don't get the bit about '...the anchorman isn't funny'."
RX: *Gives me the look you give someone who has suddenly started spouting gibberish*
Me: *equally baffled, just sit there blinking back*
RX: *starts laughing hysterically*
When the Second Amendment was created, we were a nation of far-flung farmers. There weren’t any police departments, sheriffs or National Guard. The head of the family was all of those. He had to have a gun.I... really, I just don't know where to start with that. That is willful ignorance of long practice manning the walls of an iron fortress of native stupidity. You could bounce cannonballs of logic off that all day and not chip the paint. That is a sea of ignorance so dense it could float a black hole.
But today, we have law enforcement. Hunters use rifles, not guns. Now, no one is safe.
Some of your neighbors may be useful to you, even if they are stupid, Useful Idiots today.Think about that. Specifically, think about how that's phrased, and the mindset behind it.
Stereo: "If I smiled at you would you walk my way? / Would you have this dance with me? / Slow dancing..."
Roomie: "Coming this Fall on NBCBS, the touching new series about one of America's most beloved sitcom actors coming to terms with life after a head injury: Slow Danson."
Me: "5HTORA."
RX: "What?"
Me: "That's what it says on the fridge."
RX: "Ah. Some sort of pseudo-Russian."
*Pause as both of us are puttering around the kitchen.*
RX: "You know what we need? Cyrillic alphabet refrigerator magnets."
Me: "I was just thinking that."
"Leaving early, too, I see?"
"Mm? Yes, sir."
"I remember you from the car dealership. You were looking at that Jaguar."
"Yes, yes I was."
"Fine cars. Of course, I have to pull for the home team myself; sort of comes with the job."
"No doubt. Chrysler 300's a fine car, though, sir."
Lucille Cloutier, who took the video while on vacation from Ontario, said that she would have expected the officers to have used tranquilizers rather than shooting the cows dead.Sure! Or maybe they could have used those net guns like they had in Jurassic Park 2! No, no, wait! Maybe they could have shot the gun out of the cow's hoof! Because heaven knows we wouldn't want to cause the cow any harm on its way to the slaughterhouse, you cretin!
Me: (singing) "Should old Croatians be forgot, and days of all land mines!"
Passwords are often shared among family, friends and spouses, and people typically use the same passwords for everything. Many experts say passwords are cybersecurity's weak link.If some people are that dumb, why punish those of use who use a different alphanumeric, case-sensitive hash everywhere, just because Joe Blow and Suzy Schmoe use the same "12345" each place they log in?
The absolutely [sic] stupidity of a product like this is obvious, and it's only a matter of time before it contributes to the death of someone wearing it.I can't help but think of the end of Monty Python's Holy Grail, where the coppers show up and arrest Arthur's army, and the one cop grabs this guy's shield, snarling "'Ere, that's an offensive weapon, that is!"
"Jock Studright wrapped his BLACKHAWK!-gloved fingers around the Nitron-finished slide of the SIG-Sauer P226, withdrawing it slightly against the tension of the recoil spring to see the glint of nickel through the ejection port, confirming that the 147-grain Ranger T messenger of death was ready to blast the terrorist jihadi scum to hell as soon as he smashed the sole of his Asolo boot against the door..."Okay! Enough! Kick in the door and shoot somebody, already! Do you think you have to read me page three of the Brigade Quartermaster catalog to get me in the mood for a little face-shootin'?
There are 14 million people in the United States–victims of gun violence and their families and friends–who are looking forward to saying, “Thanks, Starbucks, I’d like a latte please!”Fourteen million? Really? I guess 13,999,863 of them don't have FaceBook accounts, because that's how shy you were of your claimed total before you hid your attendee total out of shame.
When I first wrote about the trend toward de-stigmatizing food stamps, I was a little shocked. I hadn't been paying attention to the various forms government aid took since...well, since I managed to get off of government aid. Not long after that first post, I wrote a second, about the swelling numbers on food stamps--at that time, there were a bit over 40 million people dependent upon the government for their daily bread (or daily arugula, as the case may be).Y'all should go read the post.
RX: "I believe that anybody who spells 'speech' as 'S-P-E-A-C-H' should lose their First Amendment rights, because they obviously don't know how to operate the language."Of course this was all tongue-in-cheek. Mostly.
Me: "Well, I'm definitely pro-First Amendment, but I'm in favor of reasonable restrictions, such as mandatory training and proof of ability to use the language if you want to exercise your First Amendment rights in public..."
RX: "I mean, it's not like the government doesn't go out of its way to offer training classes. They'll even give you your first twelve years for free."
"Markets open warily Monday morning as traders worry about the effects of the death of Whitney Houston on the economy."Oh, come on, it's as plausible as all the other tea leaf reading that goes on out there. Like the DJIA is even remotely connected to anything in the real world anymore...
What he is going to do later this month is film a music festival of sorts 'on location' at a place called 'Slab City' near the Salton Sea in southern California. He chose this location because it looks for all intents and purposes like something AFTER the Apocalypse everyone keeps predicting.
Essentially, the Salton Sea is a zone that everyone in local and state government would like to forget and they still ignore on a consistent and daily basis. I'm not fully versed on all the specifics but it's more or less an extremely failed planned 'resort' community from 50 years ago where uncommon greed overcame good common sense in every way possible; both financially, governmentally and environmentally.
The result is desolation, but that ties in perfectly with my son's theme that music will survive the Apocalypse....IF it happens!
Therefore, he's going to film and sponsor a music festival that happens AFTER the Apocalypse.
Well I just finished Black Site. If this book doesn't make you want to strap on a pair of Asolo boots, buy a one way ticket to Pakistan, and start kicking in doors, then you're most likely a sexual deviant and AQ sympathizer.Two observations:
That is all.
In reality, the Obeyme goverment wants to force Catholic employers to provide contraception; Tiny Dancer is openly calling for gun registration; Eric Holdme is telling Congress he wants a new AWB…and yet folks are still arguing – quite seriously – which fictional character did what first??Well, yeah.
"Ma'am! Would you like to sign a petition?"I noted with amusement that one of the guys lugging a Gingrich clipboard for the GOP was actually wearing a Paul button...
"To get Rick Santorum on the ballot in the state of Indiana?"
"Not bloody likely!"
Bad guys don't just appear out of thin air.Being the happy-go-lucky sort of person I am (no, really) this is something that I really need to constantly work on. Not so much being endlessly suspicious, but just keeping alert for subtexts.
"He asked me for a cigarette and the next thing I know, he robbed me!"
He was robbing you when he asked for the cigarette. It's just your situational awareness and your ability to manage the initial contact sucked.
of course like your web site however you need to test the spelling on quite a few of your posts. Many of them are rife with spelling problems and I to find it very bothersome to inform the truth nevertheless I will certainly come back again.Thank you, Captain Grammarbot!
Once I was at a rental car outlet in Europe when the guy at the counter said “I’m sorry but I have no cars you can drive.”When I was shopping roadsters back in '01, the number of Z3s and Boxsters I saw on dealer lots with slushboxes was positively appalling. A Miata with an automatic transmission makes about as much sense as a fishnet umbrella. I was gratified to see that Honda did not deign to offer one on the drive-it-like-you-stole-it S2000.
I wasn’t too sure about the local language so this confused me. (His lot was full of little puddle jumper cars.) He explained “We are out of cars with American transmission”.
“What the heck is ‘American Transmission’?” I asked.
His English wasn’t that great but he managed to say “The cars that shift for you. The ones Americans need.”
I almost died of shame.
I've seen "avid supporters". Last election, there were avid supporters every time Obama or Palin showed their faces in public. Obama was a rock star, and I'm surprised deer-huntin' bubbas weren't throwing their BVD's up on the stage with Sarahcuda and then fainting in the front rows.
Chick on the TeeWee: "...and there could be long-term life problems. The breathing difficulties could become asthma later in life, because the lungs and brain are still developing, there could be learning disabilities, cerebral palsy..."
Me: "Oh, great. 'Don't do this or you could end up with an asthmatic 'tard in a wheelchair!'"
RX: "Forty percent of Republicans polled said they'd vote for an asthmatic 'tard in a wheelchair..."
Me: "...instead of Obama or Romney. You know, somebody in Larry's comments section identified themselves as 'an avid Romney supporter'. I don't think I'd ever heard someone describe themselves that way before."
RX: "Get him to line up with the unicorn and the Loch Ness monster and we'll take a picture!"
Me: "♪♫I'm the only gay Eskimo in my tribe...♪♫"
Strange, most of the CZ-52s out there are parkerized and were stored and shipped in cosmoline. This makes the nooks and crannies impregnated with grease and making it VERY rust resistant.Right. And then the first thing Joe or Jane Gunowner does when they get it home is hit it with brake cleaner to thoroughly degrease it.
"If it's less than 50 years old, it's "Rusty." If it's more than that, then it's "Patina"..."Heh. Since all bluing is is just pre-oxidizing the surface layer to protect the metal beneath, there's nothing wrong with an honest, even brown patina. (Hint: The nickname of the British Land Pattern Musket was "_____ Bess". Ready? Go!)