Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Gratuitous Gun Pr0n #226...
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Pocket Sharps
Freeze Peach
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) November 28, 2022
Here in the 'States you get people complaining about their freedom of speech being violated because Twitter won't let them use the n-word so they have to go to Parler or wherever to type their racial slurs.
It was an error that could have happened to anyone, especially two years into a pandemic: In a court document, a judge in Fiji twice wrote “injection” when he meant “injunction.”The government throwing you in prison for calling out a judge's spelling errors in a Facebook post is pretty draconian.
And so, in a gently mocking Facebook post back in February, Richard Naidu, one of the most senior lawyers in the Pacific nation, pointed out the mistake, concluding with a “thinking face” emoji. He now faces up to six months in prison.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Background on the Chinese protests...
This latest and most far-reaching round of protests began Friday in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang region, one day after a fire in an apartment building killed at least 10 people. Some in the city have been under lockdown for four months, and videos shared on social media suggested COVID-19 lockdown measures may have slowed firefighters’ rescue efforts. A candlelight vigil for those who died in the fire quickly popped up in Shanghai, where people went hungry during two months of sudden lockdowns earlier this year. Until now, criticism of China’s COVID-19 policies had remained largely online—Weibo was abuzz in September when a bus transporting people to quarantine crashed and killed 27. But this weekend’s demonstrators reassembled multiple times after security officials dispersed crowds.Click through to RTWT. (May require a free subscription or the ability to use an archive site to bypass a paywall. I'm not your mom. You can figure out this intertubes stuff if I can, it's not hard.)
The police response seems to have grown increasingly aggressive over the weekend—officers reportedly detained, pepper sprayed, and beat some protestors—though there haven’t yet been reports of mass detentions. The BBC also said that security officials had detained and beat journalist Ed Lawrence while he covered a protest in Shanghai, telling the broadcaster he’d been arrested “for his own good in case he caught COVID from the crowd.”
The demonstrations present a dilemma for Chinese leaders. The relative easing of COVID measures in recent weeks has accompanied a record surge in infections, and with lagging vaccine uptake, China's inadequate healthcare system could genuinely be overwhelmed if zero-COVID policies are abandoned altogether. But lockdowns have already taken a heavy economic toll—shutting down small businesses and major manufacturers alike—and the Chinese people’s patience is evidently wearing thin.
The 50 Cent Army is running amok...
Throughout the day yesterday, people searching for news on protests in China were bombarded with pages linking to porn and escort sites: “All the China influence ops & analysts at Twitter have all resigned.”
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) November 28, 2022
In case you're not familiar with the wumao, there are enough links here to get you more or less up to speed.
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Still Quite Good
Authentic Frontier Gibberish
"The Pistoleer is a faithful reproduction of a design more than a couple hundred years old. Long after the plastic guns of the world are melted into what looks like primordial ooze and technology fails, people like you and me will be slinging this kind of gun on those Swamp Thing creatures emerging from the fallout. When we pull the trigger, this gun will go bang and large lead pills will protect us. This makes the Pistoleer the smartest gun a person can own."That kind of gunwriting makes me want to break out the special coffee mug. It's like the writer was trying to work in as many classic cliches as possible.
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Gratuitous Gun Pr0n #225...
Friday, November 25, 2022
Abandoned but not Worthless
There are a lot of resources available online. Unfortunately, not all of the are great, or even good. As such, it's always a shame when resources stop getting updated, leaving us a little diminished as time marches on. Luckily, many of these resources stay online, holding their data for generations to come, a pillar of knowledge from days gone by. As someone always looking for more information, here are some of my favorite defunct blogs.
Whirled Cup
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Happy Turkey Day!
Sports, Illustrated
Better than Expected
Neighborhood squirrel, photographed with the Olympus E-5 & Panasonic Leica Vario-Elmar 14-150mm f/3.5-5.6 Asph Mega OIS.
This is just a bangin' superzoom, and I really like this camera/lens combo for general purpose walking-around-the-neighborhood stuff.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Are wheelguns real guns?
"A proven quality service level revolver that is clean, lubricated and loaded with quality ammunition is in my experience far less likely to malfunction than a semi-automatic pistol in the conditions we find in street shootings. That means, non-locked wrists, poor grip, asymmetric firing positions, interference from clothing or barriers, body contact, disturbance to the gun during firing, impacts, improper administrative handling, etc. They are consistent in their performance in those conditions, which is what reliable is.You should definitely go and read the whole thing. Apparently there'll be a Part Two tomorrow.
Where they are not reliable is when subjected to tests of ruggedness. They do not work well when dirty and full of debris. They do not work well when abused, neglected or exposed to foreign matter. They do not work well when poorly maintained. They do not work well with modifications made by unqualified individuals, or used outside of the limits of the modifications. If these are factors, their consistency will suffer. They also tend to require a trained individual and tools when they break or stop working."
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Darryl Bolke teaching students the intricacies of another misunderstood weapon from a bygone era. |
From elsewhere...
I loves it so much. I am absolutely their target audience.I was quite the connoisseur of black helicopter lore.
I mean, I've been assiduously collecting weirdo conspiracy theories for decades now.
I really should start planning for someone to get my whackadoodle mimeographed handouts from gun shows in the early-mid Nineties when I croak.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
The long-suppressed instincts of a platoon leader surged back to life. He raced across the room, grabbed the gunman by a handle on the back of his body armor, pulled him to the floor and jumped on top of him.His wife and daughter were injured in the chaos, and his daughter's longtime boyfriend was one of the fatalities.
“Was he shooting at the time? Was he about to shoot? I don’t know,” Mr. Fierro said. “I just knew I had to take him down.
The two crashed to the floor. The gunman’s military-style rifle clattered just out of reach. Mr. Fierro started to go for it, but then saw the gunman come up with a pistol in his other hand.
“I grabbed the gun out of his hand and just started hitting him in the head, over and over,” Mr. Fierro said.
As he held the man down and slammed the pistol down on his skull, Mr. Fierro started barking orders. He yelled for another club patron, using a string of expletives, to grab the rifle then told the patron to start kicking the gunman in the face. A drag dancer was passing by, and Mr. Fierro said he ordered her to stomp the attacker with her high heels.
This just keeps getting better...
Apple’s Phil Schiller, who runs the App Store, has deactivated his verified Twitter account. If Schiller has soured on how Elon Musk is running Twitter, that is potentially very bad news for Musk.Of course, physically keeping the place running is going to get harder. I know that Very Online Weirdo Elon Stans think that only the dangerhaired SJWs from HR have left, leaving clear-eyed techbro coders to carry the load unhindered but, uh, that doesn't seem to be how it went down:
So I have been watching the resignation notices for people leaving Twitter. Basically, it looks like all of the developers other than those on immigration visas are leaving. I see a lot of familiar names there, people who are experts in scalability who have published papers on how to scale things, experts in Internet protocols whose names are on IETF RFC’s, experts in algorithmic complexity with journal papers, and then just the average everyday Joes who keep the lights on. And I think: Twitter is going to crash...This is going to have bad effects when combined with cost-cutting on the back end, according to this piece from MIT Technology Review:
Alongside the minor malfunctions, the Twitter engineer believes that there’ll be significant outages on the horizon, thanks in part to Musk’s drive to reduce Twitter’s cloud computing server load in an attempt to claw back up to $3 million a day in infrastructure costs. Reuters reports that this project, which came from Musk’s war room, is called the “Deep Cuts Plan.” One of Reuters’s sources called the idea “delusional,” while Alan Woodward, a cybersecurity professor at the University of Surrey, says that “unless they’ve massively overengineered the current system, the risk of poorer capacity and availability seems a logical conclusion.”In response to this knowledgeable insider info, the Elon Stans can only come back with...
Meanwhile, when things do go kaput, there’s no longer the institutional knowledge to quickly fix issues as they arise. “A lot of the people I saw who were leaving after Friday have been there nine, 10, 11 years, which is just ridiculous for a tech company,” says the Twitter engineer. As those individuals walked out of Twitter offices, decades of knowledge about how its systems worked disappeared with them. (Those within Twitter, and those watching from the sidelines, have previously argued that Twitter’s knowledge base is overly concentrated in the minds of a handful of programmers, some of whom have been fired.)
Monday, November 21, 2022
Dumpster Fire Update...
I had my team keep our campaigns live for 2 weeks post-takeover on the bet that efficiency would improve with fewer advertisers and the risks were managed and probably overblown. I was wrong and I think the things we saw in these last 2 weeks means many more advertisers will bail on the platform in the coming weeks (for non-ideological or virtue signaling reasons)...Click the link to read the horror story.
From elsewhere...
I mean, a dude who hates advertising just overpaid for a business that was underwater (and saddled it with an extra 1B$/yr in debt in the process) and whose SOLE SOURCE OF REVENUE was advertising. First thing, he chased off all the large corporate advertisers, most of whom were only still there because of inertia and business relationships with now-departed marketing guys at Twitter.
To replace this, he wants to charge a subscription for a service that people had been using because it was "free". Even if every blue check started paying eight bucks a month, that's a laughably small drop in the bucket compared to the revenue stream he'd need to stay above water.
The idea that Twitter is somehow going to instantly implode is silliness, of course, but unless he shits out a new revenue stream sometime soon, its prospects for still being around in a couple years don't look great.
People bitch and moan about the data harvesting and targeted algorithms, but that's literally the only thing that makes services like Twitter, YouTube, or [Facebook] viable.
In response to these sorts of questions, you get this...
Sunday, November 20, 2022
That time of year again...
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Sleepy Huck. Nikon D3 & AF-Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 |
It's cold outside, which means it's time to stay indoors, get bored, and photograph the cats with portrait lenses shot wide open. (Well, the Holden portrait is wide open. Huck's picture is at f/2.2.)
Late Autumn Woods
"The temperature was just barely above freezing. It had been raining most of the day, and everything outdoors was wet. It was all but totally dark—there was just enough light left to discern that the sky was still overcast. The Summer people have all departed, so there were no cheerful porch lights or window lights anywhere—the houses were just hulking masses of blacker black against the fast-falling darkness. And the trees are all leafless now."Go RTWT.
Thank you for attending my TED Talk.
Postwar Popeye cartoons in color are haram and non canonical.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) November 19, 2022
That's it. That's the tweet.
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Temporarily(?) Broken
“All these dunks will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) November 18, 2022
Look, unless you own the hardware your stuff is on, everything on the internet is very ephemeral. This blog, for instance, exists totally on Google's servers and software and could disappear at any mome
Friday, November 18, 2022
Once upon a time, I named my issued M240. In my defense, I was a young idiot. Naming your gun is one of those things you should grow out of quickly. It’s a gun, it’s an inanimate machine, it doesn’t have a personality, and it doesn’t need a name.
If you need to name something, go to an animal shelter, I’m sure they have a dog, cat, or iguana you can adopt and name. The exception is if it’s punny. Calling a Desert Eagle a Deagle or a Mosin a garbage rod is one thing, but calling your AR-15 Lucille is cringy, and you’re not Negan.
"Oh no! You made it political!"
Dude, nothing is funnier than seeing dudebros on gun forums bitching about RATM's politics and saying "I wish they'd just stick to music."
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) November 13, 2022
I'm like "Dude, do you even listen to the lyrics you're mouthing while you head-bang?"
...and now this piece pops up over at The Bulwark today:
But not all of the band’s longtime fans were thrilled with what they got to see of RATM over the summer. When photos and video of their first new concerts began circulating online—especially one event not long after the Dobbs decision, where the words “Abort The Supreme Court” were projected across a backdrop—some fans were dismayed. What was wrong? The common sentiment was: Love Rage, but why do they have to get so political?
Huh? Rage Against the Machine, the most stridently political rock band of the last 30 years, addressing social topics? Heaven forbid!
I know, right?
The universe has great comedic timing.
"Fire department called to respond to giant metaphor for current events on side of Pennsylvania highway..."
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Pain in the neck. Literally.
I actually LOL'ed.
National Review’s mouth says “NO”, but their eyes say “Well, if he’s the only Republican in the bar come closing time…”
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) November 16, 2022
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
It may have a slower aperture than the 12-60mm f/2.8-4, but with a full-frame equivalent focal length of 300mm on the long end, this one can get squirrel photos or that motorcycle going past on the far side of the street with ease.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Ain't that just the way it is?
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Words Mean Things. Sometimes Different Things.
I mean, as hotel toilet paper goes, it's far from the worst, but Charmin it ain't. |
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Friday, November 11, 2022
Wednesday, November 09, 2022
Poly Ticks
Turns out that the candidates who are beloved by the “Front Row Joes” who follow Trump rallies like hippies did Jerry Garcia aren’t very popular with the normie general electorate.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) November 9, 2022
Who knew?
The people who scoffed at Dems back in '17 saying that "Trump has broken your brain!" found themselves five years later trying to explain why Herschel Walker and Dr. frickin' Oz were perfectly normal, sensible candidates for Senate.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) November 9, 2022
I mean he’s basically weirdo Benjamin Harrison
— Jane Coaston (@janecoaston) November 9, 2022
Face-eating leopard eats Bolduc’s face.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) November 9, 2022
In 2020 Trump won FL by less than 4 points.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) November 9, 2022
Trump didn’t endorse DeSantis, and actually attacked him last weekend.
DeSantis is fixing to win FL by double digits.
Even money that Ron primaries Don.
Tuesday, November 08, 2022
Nerd Check
Automotif CCCLIV...
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Canon EOS 7D & EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM |
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Olympus E-5 & Zuiko Digital 12-60mm f/2.8-4 ED SWD |
Monday, November 07, 2022
Automotif CCCLIII...
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Canon EOS 7D & EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM |
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Nikon D800 & 24-120mm f/4G VR |
Getting Gooder
Test and Standards is a relatively high round count (for 2022 standards (pun fully intended)) two day course of approximately 500-700 rounds that focuses on purely technical pistol shooting skills. The course and the instructors cover every aspect of making a pistol shot, from the time the pistol is first drawn through the end of a string of shooting. All shooting is done either at three or five yards, and students deliberately shoot at smaller targets such as one inch squares or two inch circles. However, the biggest aspect about this course and perhaps the reason to take it is the fact that there are few open enrollment courses that offer the level of individualized feedback and evaluation from the instructors that Tests and Standards provides. The instructors filter through the entire group of students and take notes on every individual. Afterward, students will go through a series of one on one coaching and evaluation that includes a “diagnosis” to their shooting ills and the “prescription” to improve whatever pistol malady they may suffer from. Students are encouraged to focus on this throughout the remainder of the class.You should go and read the whole thing.
Sunday, November 06, 2022
It's all about the patents.
Pretty much all the major American gunmakers at least took a swing at the semiauto market in the early 20th Century.
Colt holding Browning's patents, which included features now considered mainstream like 'a one-piece slide and breechblock that extends forward to enclose the barrel' meant that everybody else's had to be more complex, and therefore generally more expensive to manufacture and less reliable.
By the early '30s only Colt was still making autos, and it would stay that way until Smith stuck a toe back in the market in the '50s, after the Browning patents had well and truly lapsed.
Saturday, November 05, 2022
Automotif CCCLII...
I will never not photograph this local Studebaker Commander DeLuxe Starlight Coupe when it motors by.
Friday, November 04, 2022
Badger Dog
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Nikon D800 & 24-120mm f/4G VR |
Existential Questions...
"Do we cheer for the Phillies because we always cheer for the NL? Or do we cheer for the Astros because they are playing the Phillies?"I mean, traditionally, if your team doesn't make it to the World Series, you cheer for the team from your team's league. Just like you cheer for your team's conference in the Super Bowl if your team doesn't go all the way. It's usually a no-brainer. But the Phillies, man... I've got a grudge against them going clean back to 1993.
Thursday, November 03, 2022
Automotif CCCLI...
Thumb on the scale?
Do not believe everything you read. Even if it comes from more “respectable” publications. The Intercept had a big story this week that is making the rounds, suggesting that “leaked” documents prove the DHS has been coordinating with tech companies to suppress information. The story has been immediately picked up by the usual suspects, claiming it reveals the “smoking gun” of how the Biden administration was abusing government power to censor them on social media.But people have a tendency to believe disinfo if it confirms their biases.
The only problem? It shows nothing of the sort.
The article is garbage. It not only misreads things, it is confused about what the documents the reporters have actually say, and presents widely available, widely known things as if they were secret and hidden when they were not.