"The reason AR-15s have that prominent handle on them is because the most requested feature for an assault rifle was to be able to carry it like a Hello Kitty lunch box."From "Fun Facts About the AR-15". Go RTWT.
Books. Bikes. Boomsticks.
“I only regret that I have but one face to palm for my country.”
"[Name Redacted], if you don't recognize this behavior in other hobbies, it's because you're the one doing it."Ouch.
"It was unflyable -- literally -- without a digital flight computer on board, which made corrections to the flight path 40 times a second," said Christian Gelzer, chief historian at the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center in southern California (where the plane was tested) in a phone interview.
"The engineers concluded that if all three flight computers had failed together, the airplane would have broken up around the pilot before the pilot had a chance to eject."
QOTD: “So, I turn on the radio and this preacher is talking about how the sky is going to burn and the seas are going boil, and about how the great Defiler and Corrupter is upon the land and I listened to that shit for FORTY FIVE MINUTES before I realized it was NPR.”— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) September 29, 2019
"Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked." -Joke subtitle from Monty Python in 1975
"Iowa reporter who exposed racist tweets fired for own tweets." -Actual BBC headline in 2019Remember when "This is going on your permanent record!" was a joke threat teens made to each other? For some reason it's not as funny now.
"But the policy is problematic for a number of reasons.I bet she's a real joy to sit next to even without the kid.
We live in a world where those with economic means can segregate themselves from anyone who causes them discomfort.
How about a tool that lets me avoid racists, homophobes, loud talkers, overindulgers on the liquor cart, snorers, those with small bladders or flatulence, people who clip their nails on board? Mansplainers? Manspreaders? What about your garden variety unruly adult passenger?
If I have to sit by you (see categories above), you might have to sit by me."
ZCQOTD: "Picking out someone else's carry gun is like picking out some else's underwear: Unless it's being done for a performative reason pre-agreed upon by both parties, it's fucking weird and maybe creepy."— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) September 27, 2019
"Hit maker Mark Ronson has walked back his comments about identifying as sapiosexual.So...wait...you mean to tell me that there are people out there who actually identify as "sapiosexuals" to put themselves somewhere in the victimhood stack, and they heard this guy's remarks, and they got all assmad about it?
"I do not consider myself part of any marginalized community, and I apologize if anybody misunderstood or took offense to it," Ronson told Rolling Stone.
A sapiosexual is someone who is attracted to intelligence and the human mind above other traits, including physical appearance and gender."
"As it stands now most of the country, both rural and urban, goes ignored during presidential campaigns as candidates compete for victory in the Electoral College. FairVote, a nonpartisan organization dedicated to electoral reforms, tracked public campaigning in the 2016 election and found that apart from private fundraisers or studio appearances, the major parties focused solely on those states that were deemed as competitive.For all that it may be statistically valid, I can't help but read that article's headline, "The road to abolish the Electoral College may just run through Texas", as "The road to Sarajevo may just run through Texas".
For instance, after the two major party conventions concluded, 94% of all public campaigning took place in 12 states, and 70% took place in just six states. No major party candidate held a rally, gave a speech or held a public event in any state with only three electoral votes.
The same is true for many of the most highly populated states. FairVote's analysis found that Donald Trump and Mike Pence failed to campaign in more than half of the 50 states, while Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine failed to campaign in nearly three-quarters of the states in the union."
ZCQOTD: "I mean, a good long burst of live warshots from the only transferrable Mk.19 would pretty much be the ultimate flex at Knob Creek."— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) September 14, 2019
"When I first started realizing that I was hemorrhaging pageviews, I decided to write more. In 2019 I’ve been writing a few more articles each month. As compared to the same time period a year ago, my year-to-date writing is up 43,000 words in 2019.Greg's a smart dude and turns out a lot of quality content. Following him has taught me a lot, and I recommend his stuff highly.
An average novel is usually around 100K words. So I’ve basically written half a novel more free information this year than I have in any comparable time frame in the past years.
In August, I really busted my ass. I wrote 20 articles and my total word count was more than any other month in the history of my site. What did that get me? Fewer readers.
I got my August website stats update from Google. My hard work wasn’t enough. My total pageviews declined by 12.52% in the last month. The number of unique visitors to the site dropped 7% from July."
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Fuji X-E1, Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8 |
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Nikon D700, Nikkor 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6 VR |
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iPhone 7 Plus |
I've had really bad trypophobia for years now and seeing pics of the new iPhone 11 all over my timeline makes me want to set everything on fire..stop pic.twitter.com/E1ucM9eeQy— Em Harriss (@EmHarriss) September 10, 2019
Yeah? Well your abuse of apostrophes triggers my dunceophobia, so check your idiot privilege.Those new camera’s trigger my trypophobia and it’s no joke 🤢 #AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/qaaGfHR03j— C 🌟 (@HappyBday_RM) September 10, 2019
"The gun industry has been a bit soft lately. There was a significant amount of panic buying leading up to the 2016 Presidential election. I’m not surprised by that. What we were all surprised about was the outcome of that election. The result was a drop in the market. Lots of guns waiting to be bought. That was matched with lots of folks feeling relieved over avoiding a political nightmare. Without political fear motivating consumers to make purchases, retailers saw low prices and slow sales. Many argue that this didn’t happen, but there is a name for it. We are in a “Trump slump.” Is Walmart dumping the Second Amendment for more profitable products? Maybe."In an article at Ammoman, Paul Carlson peels the onion layers of Walmart's recent announcement that they're cutting sling load on a lot of gun-related business. Go RTWT.
Would you feel better if she were going to kill someone over a t-shirt with an illegal gun? https://t.co/1SMt51KvqD— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) September 8, 2019
The north side of the building. Canon T50, Kodak BW400CN |
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Olympus OM-D E-M5, M. Zuiko 12-40mm f/2.8 PRO |
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Olympus OM-D E-M5, M. Zuiko 12-40mm f/2.8 PRO |
"The Federal Building would replace a barren parking lot on the east side of Veterans Memorial Plaza, right in the heart of the Indiana War Memorial Plaza, a historic public gathering space on par with Washington, D.C.’s National Mall. Woollen believed that there was one main issue for the project. “We thought the whole plaza was badly in need of containment,” he said. “The buildings just weren’t holding things in or defining the park or the plaza.”If you dig architecture in general, and especially if you dig Indianapolis architecture in particular (dude also designed Clowes Hall at Butler U.) the whole linked story is definitely worth a read.
The firm convinced the GSA to abandon plans for a 13-story building on a small footprint in favor of a six-story structure that spanned the length of the block—“a much shorter, longer, and fatter building that would fill in the leaking space of the plaza and dramatize it in a way European spaces are,” Woollen explains. The design called for an inverted ziggurat, a stair-stepped shape that would be the inverse of the pyramid crown of the nearby Indiana World War Memorial; that is, each floor would be a little wider than the one below it. Woollen chose to render the building in concrete to suggest the permanence of the federal government as an institution. As construction began, he even ordered the mixture custom-blended to a particular golden hue, and gave it a polished finish. Thick columns lift the hulking structure off the ground to create an open plaza around the base, which is wrapped with a rainbow mural by graphic-design pioneer Milton Glaser, the founding design director of New York magazine and designer of the “I Heart NY” logo.
Woollen conceived the mural as something joyful, but he wasn’t surprised when it was met with disgust. “Indy rose up in arms when they saw the colors going up, probably because 80 percent of our city’s population are chromophobes,” he says. “There was a massive fright—letters to the editor, editorials in the paper.”
In fact, The Indianapolis Star later said that the building had been called “a pigeon coop” and that it appeared “ready to fall on its knees.” As far as Glaser’s mural—which has faded considerably over time—motorists were known to shout their disapproval to the construction crew even before it was completed.
Any focus on the building’s appearance puzzles Woollen today. “It’s not meant to be a pretty building,” he says. “It’s meant to do an important mission in terms of enclosing the Indiana War Memorial Plaza.” He anticipated that—as with European plazas—other buildings would come along and ensure that the Federal Building didn’t stick out so much. “We realized we were leaving a blob out there, but we thought it would eventually come together,” he says. “It hasn’t yet.”"
"Going forward, what was once called a convicted felon or an offender released from jail will be a “formerly incarcerated person,” or a “justice-involved” person or simply a “returning resident.”The same Board of Supervisors recently passed another resolution, regarding the NRA, declaring it a terrorist organization:
Parolees and people on criminal probation will be referred to as a “person on parole,” or “person under supervision.”"
"Nor is the resolution isolated to NRA leadership. While it states that the leadership “promotes extremist positions, in defiance of the views of a majority of its membership,” it also states that “any individual or member of an organization” commits a terrorist act by giving support to a group that this person “reasonably should know” gives “material support” to any “individual [who] has committed or plans to commit a terrorist act.” It closes the noose around NRA members’ necks by stating that the NRA “promote[s] gun ownership and incite[s] gun owners to acts of violence.” Congratulations, average NRA member: Your $30 one-year membership makes you a terrorist."Point of Order: By the San Francisco Board of Supervisors own "person first" language edict, I am not a terrorist, I am a "terror-involved individual".
Microsoft Co-Founder Paul Allen’s 414-Foot-Long Explorer Yacht OCTOPUS Is For Salehttps://t.co/hy33UO1Orz— Wendy Sparrow (@WendySparrow) September 4, 2019