Noam Chomsky, I'd like to dedicate my Twitter profile picture to you.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) April 30, 2023
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Gobsmackingly Wrong
Indian Winter
Automotif CCCLXI...
I love the Mad Max/Rat Rod vibe of this '78-'81 Malibu coupe. Check out the diamond plate cladding on the B-pillars. I'm still trying to figure out all the parts he bodged together for that nose. (EDIT: Rapping with JayG on the Book of Face, he brought up the G-body Monte Carlo as a possible donor fro some of that.)
Between the rumbly exhaust and the mechanical whine emanating from under the hood, it could be hiding some serious firepower beneath that JC Whitney fiberglass...or the cat could have rusted out and he's danger low on transmission fluid.
I choose to believe the former.
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Henderson Field II: Electric Boogaloo
"China makes no secret that Guam is in its cross-hairs. The df-26 missile, with a range of 4,000km, is commonly called the “Guam killer”. In 2020 a Chinese propaganda video depicted an h-6k bomber attacking an undisclosed air base: the satellite image was unmistakably of Andersen. To survive within China’s “weapons engagement zone”, the American air force is developing “agile combat employment”. This involves scattering aircraft to deny China an easy shot, and networking them with distant “sensors” and “shooters” to give battle. It practised such tactics at the Cope North exercise with Japan and Australia on Guam and nearby islands in February. At the end of each day, though, the jets were all parked together in neat rows in the open. The base has no hardened shelters for aircraft, and its fuel is stored in closely packed tanks above ground."As someone who loves using the GoogleSat to look at airbases around the world, the paucity of hardened shelters at Andersen AFB has always been a little surprising.
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B-1B's, probably transiting through Andersen to go do Bone shit someplace. |
"While being berated, Crowder’s wife, Hilary, repeatedly tries to reassure her husband that she loves him and is “committed.”Ol' Crowder is on record as being strenuously opposed to "No Fault" divorce, but it looks like there's plenty of fault on his part here.
“I love you … but your abuse is sick,” she told him at one point — with him warning sternly: “Watch it. Watch it. F–king watch it.”
Crowder reportedly admitted to later inside the house threatening his wife: “I will f–k you up.”"
Automotif CCCLX...
Friday, April 28, 2023
QotD: Culture Clubbed Edition
"[O]ur culture was not created by our government and is not directed by it. (One of the markers of totalitarianism is the government runs the culture -- or tries to. That's not how we do things in the United States and if you have a problem with that, you have a problem with America.)"
About tree-fitty...
Yesterday morning I ducked into Indy Arms Co for a minute with the FN Reflex. I was in a hurry, so I basically put fifty rounds downrange at a seven yard target in four quick mag dumps before heading out the door.
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FN Reflex with Swampfox Sentinel and Surefire XSC, ringin' steel at 20 yards. |
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Automotif CCCLIX...
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Photographed with a similarly-colored Nikon 1 V2 & 1 Nikkor 18.5mm f/1.8 |
Deuce Deuce
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
A Tale of Two Parties
"One is the group of traditional post-World War II conservatives, who, with the likes of William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan, wrested control of the GOP from the Harding-Coolidge faction who owned (and almost destroyed) the party before the Second World War—call them the OG-GOP. The other is a group of political left-behinds who almost certainly would have voted for Democrats in decades past—and many actually did so—before the Democrats became the party of woke coastal elites and petty authoritarians. Working class, big on industrial policy, suspicious of free trade, hostile to immigration, tolerant of big government, skeptical of American intervention overseas—this is the other, Neo-GOP.The Democrats will eventually face the same thing, as the Bernie Bros and Warren-philes age into the numerical majority of the party.
The crux of the problem is that these two parts of the GOP can’t be reconciled. It doesn’t boil down to Trump and Never Trump—this is as much a disagreement about substance as anything else, though no one wants to admit that for fear of offending Jekyll, Hyde, or both. OG-GOP recognizes that bullying corporations drives them offshore, taking jobs along with them. Neo-GOP is grossed out, Warren Buffett style, that the superrich don’t pay more taxes. OG-GOP understands that while it has some serious warts, free trade is actually at the root of American prosperity. Neo-GOP thinks free trade is great for elites with Teslas and is furious their jobs have gone to Mexico or Vietnam or India. Both have legitimate points and grievances."
Another dumb law passed.
Washington becomes the 10th state to restrict semiautomatic possession through as stupid feature list.
The House concurred with a floor amendment to House Bill 1240 that was added in the Senate, voting 56-42 to approve it on April 19. The amendment will allow gun manufacturers to sell inventory already in stock prior to Jan. 1, 2023, and only to out-of-state clientele for 90 days after the bill goes into effect. So vendors aren’t totally hosed, just mostly.
News Flash: Frog Stung by Scorpion
Tech billionaire and Republican megadonor Peter Thiel, an early backer of former President Donald Trump who later broke with him, has told associates he is not planning to donate to any political candidates in 2024, according to two people close to the businessman.Thiel, a married gay libertarian-bordering-on-anarchocapitalist, spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention, decrying "fake culture wars" that were distracting us from America's economic decline.
Thiel is unhappy with the Republican Party's focus on hot-button U.S. cultural issues, said one of the sources, a business associate, citing abortion and restrictions on which bathrooms transgender students can use in schools as two examples.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Imagine telling on yourself like that.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) April 25, 2023
Now I want to re-watch Romeo + Juliet.
Automotif CCCLVIII...
Mini Book Review
Today I Learned...
Monday, April 24, 2023
"These groups and even scholars studying gun violence refer to Stand Your Ground (SYG) laws as “shoot first” laws, short for “shoot first and ask questions later.” As a gun scholar, gun owner and opponent of gun violence, I fear that equating SYG with the legal right to “shoot first” could unintentionally mislead people into thinking that self-defense laws truly give them a blanket license to kill with impunity.Do me a favor and go read the whole thing and share it around.
They do not.
Self-defense laws actually place significant limits on the ability of individuals to use lethal force in self-defense lawfully. Whether people fully understand those limitations is an empirical question, but critics should drop the language of “shoot first” in referring to these laws. Instead, in the interest of public safety, why not educate people on the limited range of behaviors they in fact allow?"
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Professor Yamane in the classroom at Alliance Police Training |
Mini Gun
Any time you post a pic of a vintage piece like this on on social media, gun nerds (like myself) can get a little blinded by nostalgia. Stafford turned a garden hose on some of the more... er, enthusiastic ...responses by pointing out that there are, to put it charitably, much better choices for carry on the market these days, especially from a durability standpoint.
He wrote in reply:
"[I]t’s a 2nd Gen, which were even spottier on our department. You’ll still see the occasional gummer rocking one, but it’s usually shot twice a year at old guy quals. Likewise the “legendary” LAPD 4506, carried in drop swivel by dudes that maybe put 100 rounds a year through it, 300 if they bring it to a divisional training day where it will most likely malfunction due to decrepit magazines and weak springs.And he's definitely not wrong; Lord knows that LAPD has massive institutional experience, especially with the big single stack .45 Model 645 and 4506.
The rebuilds were nearly always spring and trigger related. Sear release, sear spring, etc. there was also that weird copper piece that would break off. The CHP just ended up removing those in their guns. In the 45 series guns, the recoil spring was lucky to get to 2k. I’m stoked that yours is a workhorse, it just wasn’t my experience seeing hundreds of them. They were crazy accurate though, especially the bushing guns that Smith built for the Firearms guys.
Seriously, for every 10 purchased, 5 would have to see the armorer and 3 of those would have to be sent back to Smith. My experience with the Smith auto loaders, working the Firearms Unit for many years over two tours was not particularly positive. Going striker was the best thing to happen to us, until of course the great Glock 22 debacle of 2005, which I’m sure Erick Gelhaus and Chuck Haggard remember.
Best thing about my Smith was that a boot bought it and my Hoyt from me for 1800 bucks so he could look like an OG."
"Yeah, the 2nd Gen guns wouldn't be my first choice.
In my experience the Third Gen Smifs are like any pistol, in that the farther away you get from the original basic spec, the worse they are. The 59xx/39xx guns are about as good as any other 9mm pistol of their era. The big bore single stacks, the 45xx and 10xx guns, are way under-engineered if you ask me.
Like you noted, they have a voracious appetite for all manner of springs and break that little copper trigger tensioning dingus so often that it might as well not even be there (and like you said, the fix was to just leave it out since the gun works without it.)
The all-stainless 40x6 duty-size double stacks are the only .40 of their era worth a damn, IMO...but that's because the competition was the Beretta 96, which fell apart in a shockingly small number of rounds, and the Gen2/Gen3 Glock 22, which was its own sort of disaster.
I'd toyed with spending a year shooting/carrying my 3913...but like I wrote in a column, it's because I've got backup guns and plenty of springs, so unless one is really committed to the bit, they should be a normie and go buy a current-production plastic strikergat. It'd be a bit of an affectation, like toting a 1911 or revolver in 2023."
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Blaster Size Comparo
Here comes the boom.
On the weekend he set the world jet record, Greenamyer's plane was troubled by a vacillating generator that, among other things, provided power to the stabilization augmentation system that would help keep him from flying into the ground. While Greenamyer was fussing with the generator circuitry, a college professor learned in the workings of the human sensory system informed him that because of the lag between eye and brain, anything he saw while traveling 900 mph 100 feet off the ground would already be 150 feet behind him. It was not the sort of grim data Greenamyer needed at the moment. As he recalls, "What the professor said, in effect, was that if I headed into the ground, I would never know I had."You should RTWT.
Saturday, April 22, 2023
QotD: Know What You’re Doing Edition…
master the box and then you can think outside of it
— world famous art thief (@famousartthief) April 22, 2023
Snoozy Cat
Holden is a world champion napper.
If you give Huck a little nudge while he’s sleeping on the couch or the bed, he’ll wake up and move. But Holden? You have to pick him up and physically move him, and he may or may not wake up while you’re doing it.
In fact, Holden is remarkably resistant to chivvying, nudging, or shooing whether he's awake or asleep.
Dumb Ideas
Muh Research
Fortunately most of my epidemiology and virology credits were transferrable to my rocket science Internet PhD program.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) April 22, 2023
Friday, April 21, 2023
Automotif CCCLVII...
Here's a 1987-'88 Ford Escort GL wagon that has somehow miraculously not oxidized completely away. This is the car that Ford expected to do battle with the Civics, Corollas, and Golfs that dominated the subcompact market.
It was propelled, after a fashion, by a wheezy undersquare 113 cubic inch overhead cam inline four with throttle-body fuel injection putting out 90 SAE net horsepower.
Echo Chamber Construction Kit
It’s allowed people who are bad at thinking to more easily locate other people who are bad at thinking and gather into poorly-thinking groups where they think poorly together in a self-reinforcing manner.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) April 20, 2023
It's how we ended up in our current world of Choose Your Own Epistemological Adventure and easily-weaponized social media groups.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Hey, that's cool!
Dear Smith & Wesson...
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Slim Future?
Gratuitous Gun Pr0n #237...
Final Boss Nerd
It's like we took cells from a fedora, fertilized them in vitro with a neckbeard gamete, and then floated the resulting zygote in a vat of overheated liquid cryptocurrency until it grew to the size of an adult human, while fed on nothing but manosphere comment threads and memes.
— Tamara K. (@TamSlick) April 18, 2023
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Foreigners bought your spank bank.
...Whoever owns this website will not only have a direct influence over the state of sex trafficking globally but will also hold the emails, credit card numbers, and most private browsing habits of tens of millions of people. So, this deal matters beyond mere intellectual curiosity.Go and read the whole thing.
On March 16th, Pornhub announced it had been bought by—get this—“Ethical Capital Partners.” It’s like the Medellin Cartel getting bought by “Totally Not Crime LLC.”...
Monday, April 17, 2023
Practical Popguns
September 5, 2022 I was dumbbell bench pressing the 95s. I start going down for rep 7 and something felt weird in my left wrist. I immediately stopped. I don’t know how to describe it, but… something… shifted? All those little bones in your wrist (carpal bones); if you know what the carpal bones look like, just imagine something… shifting, getting compacted by 95# of steel. Yeah. Makes you wince, doesn’t it?Go read the whole thing and give it some thought.
I went shooting soon thereafter. Shot my P365XL with the Wilson grip and inserts. After 100 rounds I couldn’t stand it – the pain was too much.
I’ve been hangin’ with a few guys into revolvers (GuG, Hizzie). I mean, “the underwear gun” is a thing. And with the stuff Rhett‘s been doing. Well… I figured now’s a good time detour and play with this concept.
Yes, the LCR is hard to shoot it because it’s lightweight with a heavy-ass trigger, craptacular snub-sights. But I can shoot it… a lot. I can even shoot Federal Punch (my defensive load) and not feel bad about the money.
But remember, to really get the best use out of a revolver, especially a subcaliber one, it's important to remember the revolver's U-shaped utility curve. Practice, practice, practice...
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Caleb explains the curve. |
Miami Heat
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Get on it!
Yeet Cannon
Shooting at the Speed of Thought
Darryl Bolke likes to drive the point home that every round fired is its own individual use of force decision, requiring independent justification. Going back to the Bill Drill example, just because dude needed shot on round 1 doesn’t necessarily mean you’re cleared hot for all 6.When I first heard Scott Jedlinski refer to sub-0.18 second shot-to-shot intervals as "jailbait splits", I had to chuckle because there's a very obvious double entendre there. The only way to shoot that fast is to have already decided to pull the trigger again while you're still in the middle of the previous shot. That's how you go fast on, e.g., a Bill Drill or a FAST or a Casino Drill. It's also how you wind up needing the courtroom services of an expert witness.
Whether the target drops their weapon, stops advancing, or whatever else, at some point they’re no longer presenting a reasonable threat to you. If you continue putting rounds into them after that point, it’s entirely possible that you’re at the very least complicating your defense and, worst case scenario, have surpassed the window of justifiable homicide entirely.
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Going fast. |
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Wheel Goes 'Round
Friday, April 14, 2023
Called Shot
Dude has thoroughly wrecked his life and damaged national security and also possibly the global order, all for the sake of some clout-chasing with a couple dozen incel gamers in a Discord server. It's not even like he got seduced by a hawt Russian agent or was promised a jillion bucks; he just wanted to flex for his Minecraft pals.
Thursday, April 13, 2023
“Someone left a Russian T-90A tank … captured by Ukraine last fall, on a trailer after the truck hauling it broke down and pulled into this truck stop off U.S. Interstate 10”
— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) April 13, 2023
Dude,, "independent Donbas separatists"...have been using T-90s for nearly a decade now in eastern Ukraine.
Revenge of the Nerds.
"OG told the group he toiled for hours writing up the classified documents to share with his companions in the Discord server he controlled. The gathering spot had been a pandemic refuge, particularly for teen gamers locked in their houses and cut off from their real-world friends. The members swapped memes, offensive jokes and idle chitchat. They watched movies together, joked around and prayed. But OG also lectured them about world affairs and secretive government operations. He wanted to “keep us in the loop,” the member said, and seemed to think that his insider knowledge would offer the others protection from the troubled world around them."I wonder what this gomer's screen name is on Arfcom? Because you frickin' know he has one.
Gratuitous Gun Pr0n #236...
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Not this again...
Nearly 20% of the guns used to commit crimes in Chicago come from Indiana. It doesn’t do much good for a city to have strict gun laws when everywhere around it has them readily available.
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) April 12, 2023
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
All-New Micro Nine
TacCon Roundup
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Tim Herron taking a class from Tim Kelly of Apache Solutions |
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Ernest Langdon taking a class from Wayne Dobbs of Hardwired Tactical Shooting |
Automotif CCCLVI...
What does NSA Gollum say?
"What has it got in its packetses?"
Monday, April 10, 2023
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This looks hard and complicated. Can we talk about Glock versus 1911 instead? |