Thursday, October 05, 2023


So, I have a fairly limited amount of time to get two thousand rounds through this Springfield Armory Echelon. I started out yesterday morning with a freshly cleaned pistol, lubed with a healthy dollop of FP10, and a 250-round box of 115gr Remington FMJ range ammo.

I couldn't find my clear lens protectors, so I improvised with a strip of tape.

I only have the 17 and 20 round magazines that shipped with the pistol, so that meant jamming thirty seven rounds into magazines, dumping them downrange at a rate that was technically way faster than the "1 round a second" speed limit (but I had the rifle bay to myself, so no harm, no foul) and lather, rinse, repeat the process for seven iterations.

Outran my headlights there for a couple shots...

It took a little over twenty minutes to shoot up the two hundred and fifty rounds. The takedown lever was noticeably hot at the end of the session.

I'm a little embarrassed to note that my shooting and dry fire has tapered off to the point that I'd largely lost my trigger finger callus, and so I had a nice blister to keep me company for the rest of the morning.