Thursday, December 12, 2024

Boomsticks: The new Ruger/Magpul RXM...

Testing continues on the Savage Stance XR.

Meanwhile, I can finally talk about the new Ruger. In a world where there are already several Gen3 Glock 19 clones of varying quality, it's easy to go "Ho-hum, another one..."

But Ruger and Magpul are both manufacturers that know what they're doing; this isn't some back-alley operation in Istanbul.

Plus, it's not a Gen3 Glock clone, but rather a vastly product-improved pistol that happens to have used the G19 as a jumping off point. It has a direct-mounting optical system that is similar to that on the Echelon that will accommodate the three most popular optic footprints (RMR, DP Pro, RMSc) and comes with co-witness sights including a tritium insert up front with a high-viz surround. The fire control unit is in a true chassis, for grip-swapping customizability. Best of all, the price point is...aggressive.

Everything good about a Glock MOS and then some, without having to put up with Glock's adapter plate setup, which is frankly starting to look like hot garbage compared to everyone else's, at a screamingly low price? That's likely to make a dent in the market.

Testing is underway for an upcoming feature-length review in Shooting Illustrated.