Wednesday, December 20, 2017


 Tuesday morning meant another hundred round range trip to Indy Arms Co. with the CZ-75.

I started out with a box of fifty at the 8" circle, with the target out at fifteen yards. I was having pretty serious trigger control issues, which was frustrating. I pulled the target back to five yards and put a mag into the right hand 2" circle and the remaining two into the 3x5.

I wish I could say that the shot in the 1" square was intentional, but alas, it was the result of prepping the trigger in recoil too aggressively. My sights were nowhere near settled when that shot broke.

There were no malfunctions of any type to report.

This makes 1459 rounds since the weapon was last cleaned or lubed with no malfunctions of any type. 541 rounds to go.