Thursday, April 30, 2020

Chirrp! Whirrr! Chortle!

Holden is turning out to be a very mischievous cat...who has a hard time getting away with much of his intended mischief because he's also the most talkative cat I have ever encountered.

Seriously, even when he's just walking around the house, he kind of narrates his journey to himself with a constant stream of subvocalized chirps and warbles that I have to believe are Holden-speak for "Well, here I am walking down the hall, and now I think I'm going to turn into the dining room and...whoops! It looks like the nice mommy is cooking in the kitchen! I should go in there and..."

Where this habit gets him in trouble is when he tries to do things like jump up on my desk when I'm not in the room so he can get into the window behind my monitor. He'll chortle with excitement at the the thought, which will alert Bobbi in time to turn her chair around and intercept his leap.

Similarly, he's discovered the bathtub and has decided it would be the perfect ambush spot from which to leap on Huck. So when they're playing chase around the house, Holden will dash into the bathroom, leap into the tub, turn around all hunched up, and whirr and chirp with delight at how perfect his hiding place is. This will cause Huck to glance into the bathroom, hear the enthusiastic noises coming from the tub, and give the feline equivalent of a shrug and wander off down the hall, leaving Holden to sit in the tub, all amped up with nobody to jump. Well, almost nobody...