Monday, April 13, 2020

From a discussion elsewhere...

In answer to the question "Why is the world so goofy?" made in response to one or another of the thousands of weird little fandoms and social groups that dot the digital savanna:
"It's always been goofy, it's just that the internet...and specifically social media...lets you see the wackiness and the stupidity in the head of the average person.

Essentially, the World Wide Web has given everyone an extra tall flagpole from which they can fly their freak flag.

Also, it allows them to spot others whose freak flag is like their own, and they can then congregate, at least virtually, and compete to see who can fly their club's freak flag the highest.
We now live in a world where people issue threats of physical violence to each other over the internet about which video game or cartoon characters can have fanfic romances with which other video game or cartoon characters. These arguments consume them for months and years at a time and are treated as very serious business. Wrap your head around that if you can.