Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Politics as Team Sportsball

So Bumpstock Donnie is coming back because in the Fox News Cinematic Universe anybody to the left of Pinochet is a "communist"*.

Inflation's down, unemployment's as low as it's been in decades, and they keep having to add new lines to the top of stock market charts in newspaper business sections because the market's never been this high... and apparently neither have American voters because everyone seems sure that we're in the middle of The Great Depression II: Electric Boogaloo.

Ask the Man (or Woman) on the Street (or Facebook) what the state of the nation is, and you get some unfocused argelbargle along the lines of "Eggs are eating our pets and immigrants are expensive and it costs four dollars a gallon to trans our kids or something. Plus Ukraine** is taking all the FEMA away from decent American retirees."

Truly we are a fundamentally unserious people.

*Y'ever notice how you can't call someone "Hitler" until they've actually killed six million people and invaded Poland, but if someone proposes jacking the upper marginal tax rate a few percent, they're definitely Stalin?

**You know they broke out the good vodka in the Kremlin this morning.