Sunday, November 25, 2018

If election persists for more than four months...

Jokes about dead people voting in Chicago have been a component of our cultural fabric for a long time, but they've tended to be just that, jokes.

Something changed with the 2000 presidential election and the farcical never-ending recounts in Florida and the resulting legal contretemps. There were commentators in the more progressive corners of the internet that spent the next eight years referring to the "President Select".

During the Obama administration, the mirror image commentators on the fringes of the Right seemed to spend more time insinuating that the POTUS couldn't be POTUS because of secret birth certificate shenanigans rather than questioning the legitimacy of the elections themselves.

But fast forward to 2018 and the tenor from the actual leadership of both parties right now is absolutely wack. You've got Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump standing in front of microphones and questioning the legitimacy of the voting process itself. That's playing with fire, and should scare the hell out of you.