I just finished reading “Gunfight” by Ryan Busse, a former vice-president of Kimber. The subtitle is “My Battle Against the Industry That Radicalized America.” Busse was happy to be in charge of sales for a company that manufactured high-end bolt action sporting rifles and 1911 pistols, but had no use for polymer pistols, handguns that held more than ten or so rounds, and AR15s which he, who should know better, insists on calling “assault rifles.” Sort of like a beer and wine salesman bemoaning the availability of hard liquor to the public. He mentions that many gun rights activists call people like him “Fudds,” named after Elmer, the cartoon hunter who unsuccessfully stalked Bugs Bunny, and seems resentful that he fits that profile.The tl;dr? Mas isn't impressed.
I feel like I need to read it for professional reasons. When the other side is broadcasting in the clear, it borders on neglect to not listen in on their signal, after all. But I'm loathe to boost homie's sales numbers. I may buy it on Kindle... or I may just finally get a library card.