That's okay, though, because the First Buddy found someone to take $400,000,000 worth of the lemons off his hands. You, the taxpayer.
Don't worry, though, they'll make up the cost by slashing the budget at the VA or maybe grandma's health care.
So, a reporter for Gizmodo dug into this story:
The saga of the Armored Teslas is important. It’s a story where multiple things are true at the same time and a warning about how we consume information over the next four years.
Here are the four conflicting truths. The first is that State buying $400 million worth of armored Teslas is not strange. The second is that most of us don’t know how to read a federal budgeting document. The third is that Musk is the richest man on the planet with billions in government contracts. The fourth is that editing an innocuous budget document after someone notices “Tesla” has a line item is weird and speaks volumes about how the federal government is operating under the Trump-Musk presidency.