If you're going to be taking a shooting class, be an informed consumer: What is on the curriculum? Why is your instructor qualified to teach this? To whom has he taught it before? Do you know anybody with a reputation you trust who has attended his classes and recommends them? Is it something you really need (or even want) to learn in the first place?
"Waled, you lay down suppressing fire in your sandals. Ali, you squat down like a yogi with a FAL. And, Ahmed, don't stop rocking! That's it Ahmed outstanding A-D-G combination."
Sgt. Malmud
Gimme... gimmee shelter
Do they run Room Clearing Drills with Katyushas mounted in the bed of Toyota Pick Ups? I could use that class.
I saw that 42R quip, started giggling, and couldn't explain it to the people who had never heard of an MOS.
Going into battle to the sound of dramatic guitar riffs instead of bugle calls? I think I like it!
Obviously, someone's watched 'Desperado' too many times. OK, El Mariachi, you take it from here...
I had to google 42R... Then I laughed.
TangoJuliet wins the thread.
ring, ring "Concierge."
Superhero backup band from "I'm gonna get you, Sucka!"
I'm wondering what song he's playing? Probably not Feliz Navidad. Smoke on the Water?
Would you take a gun class from a 92Golf? Would you take it here? Would you take it there? Would you take it anywhere? (HT to Dr. Seuss)
If you hum a few bars you can get right into the A-zone...
Ah! I thought so! Pickin' on the Band Nerds again, are we? Pfffthtthbbhh!
Hey, we play you to the awarding of yer medals, we play you to placement in yer graves, and when all else fails, we are the last-ditch defense group, after y'all have, well, failed.
After the saxophonists have all deserted and run away, I betcha the rest of the woodwinds will give a good account of themselves, in extremis.
I can just imagine yelling, "Clarinets, rally to me! We still have a chance!"
We can count on the euphonium players to keep everyone else with the program. They are arguably the steadiest people in any band.
To say it again, I do not care for saxophones, or saxophonists. Mr. B.J. Clinton is just one horrible example of the type. I even betcha that everybody in that pic is at least a secret saxophonist, judging from the absurd posturing displayed there.
Jtg, at the right of the line, with The Colors.
P.s. Oh, I almost forgot: :-^
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