Thursday, December 15, 2011

Meet the new boss...

Remember: Voting for John McCain is just more of George Bush's war on the Constitution, with its indefinite detentions of anybody the government suspects of terrorism...

How's that Hope & Change workin' out?

If Michael Moore had an ounce of integrity... (AHAHAHAHahahaha! ha! hee! heh. Sorry.) ...If Michael Moore had an ounce of integrity, he'd douse himself with gasoline and set himself on fire in front of the White House in protest. I know it would take an awful lot of gas to soak Mike, but he's a multi-millionaire one-percenter, so he can afford it.

Don't worry, though! We get to pick another new king soon, and he'll fix everything! *HEADDESK*

(H/T to WRSA.)


BoatGuy said...

Moore could commit seppuku instead of increasing the air pollution he already spews...

Anonymous said...

Just think.

Barbecued Mike Moore could feed a family of New Guinea canibals for a year.

Joseph said...

That sumbitch would burn for years. If you could stand the stench, he'd heat your house for a decade.

Shrimp said...

Oh, come on, now. The guy with the (D) behind his name will always get a pass on such things. Sure, Michael Moore *spit* is upset about it, but he can't be bothered to actually complain about it right now.

However, if the GOP actually manages to unseat the current "Occupy DC" resident from government housing, expect the complaining to resume, turned up to 11.

And that will in no way show his hypocrisy--he was just too busy to complain for the last three years. And his 'complaining schedule' looks pretty full until at least Nov 2012.

Tam said...

Michael Moore is apparently worth about $50M these days. I wonder what Roger Smith was worth when he died back in '07?

Art said...

indefinite detentions of anybody the government suspects of terrorism...
Nice. When are the "disappearings" scheduled to start? Or have they already?

azmountaintroll said...

"If Michael Moore had an ounce of integrity..."

You can hurt yourself doing that.

Anonymous said...

A burning Michael Moore could be a signal to the space aliens and show Earths peaceful intentions.

That's all the justification I need. Where's the matches?


Tam said...

That's quite a little internets collection you're starting there, Gerry. :D

og said...

Mikey would need a blade about 5' long to commit seppuku. And his little T-rex arms would probably not have the strength.

Gewehr98 said...

Michael Moore - the new green biofuel. That's good, because I'm not so certain he'd make good Soylent Green.

Will Brown said...

That's the problem with the burden of history, it's just there, weighing down everything else. Doesn't matter how many times it didn't work before, that's just how it's done.

Robert said...

You wouldn't need a whole lot of gasoline to burn him. All that fat acts like candle tallow, with his clothing acting just like a wick. He'll burn so hot nothing will be left.

Tom said...

Moore and integrity.....never used before except where "lack of" was also used.

Kristophr said...

I blame Obama, as usual.

If he was willing to try every American AQ member captured alive for treason, a special law allowing them to be put into POW camps with the rest of AQ would not be needed.

RHT447 said...

Job security, anyone?

Unknown said...

"Don't worry, though! We get to pick another new king soon, and he'll fix everything!"

Because this is the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN HISTORY! Just as it was two years ago, or four, or six...

I'm wagering that next November 49% of the country will keel over from apoplexy.

Scott said...


I'd rather have a capitalist big G president in office than a Comminist big G one, because at least under the Capitalist, people who are not the "chosen" will be allowed to make money.

I'd rather have Mike, even though the Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

I think you hit it on the head, Tam. We aren't given the choice of an actual president to elect anymore; we're only given kings to choose.

Matt G said...

The headline at your CBS link: "WH OKs military detention of terrorism suspects". I had to start reading before realizing that by "WH," they meant "White House." I suppose that they wanted it all to fit on one line.

Huh. If it had been our previous president, they would have said, "George Walker Bush, the 43rd President Of The United States, Personally Incarcerates Prisoners Without Habeas Corpus."

But see, it's okay here, because it wasn't Obama doing it. It's that mean old White House. I swear to gawd, to listen to our news media, that building (not its residents. No! Certainly not!) is so evil, that we should expect yet another new sequel up and coming, again.

joesmoke said...


Bryan Reavis said...

That's all there is to sat about that

Karl said...

Tam, your call for Moore's self-immolation shows we share the same vales and vision for America. Usually commies take decades to kill themselves, and do so with their own policies. They also take a plenty of good people with them. Fire, or a wall such as that used in Romania, is for the greater good.

Could we at least ask him to use an ethanol-based accelerant?

Nate Whilk said...

"I know it would take an awful lot of gas to soak Mike"

All we need to do is get him started. Then the heat will melt his fat, and due to the wick effect, it will burn for quite a while. If we captured the heat, I imagine it could power a major city for a few weeks.


Anonymous said...

"I'm wagering that next November 49% of the country will keel over from apoplexy."

Make it the 51% on the dole, and I don't care what they keel over from.