It's been a cool and wet spring, and
Broad Ripple's famous gargoyle is looking a little like a garghillie:
Blending in with the environment. |
I'd never noticed the little details on the roof...
Bobbi says the ornamental roof crest will keep witches from sitting on your roof. I do not know if this is true, but it sure sounds good. Alas, honest little Roseholme Cottage would look a little silly with such gingerbread, and so we must be ever on the alert for witches perching up there among the antennae. |
"Gargoyle wins because he is a sneaky bastard!"
Shootin' Buddy
I'm told it works whether you believe in it or not. (cf. Niels Bohr and the horseshoe.) Seen any witches on the roof lately? See how well it works?!
I had to look closely at that foliage the gargoyle was in to verify it wasn't poison ivy.
Sneaky, but stylish.
Leave it to a gargoyle to make aviators look good again.
WV: turyoi commission
Wasn't it the Turyoi Commission that "investigated" the Tunguska incident?
And I'd having pretty good luck with the spambot minefield today. I wonder how karma is going to balance this one out....
so we must be ever on the alert for witches perching up there among the antennae.
I'm not sure Feinstein's broom has the range to make it all the way from California.
D.C. is closer. I'm sure she keeps a spare one there.
wv: Vide bligair
I'll wager Bobbi could calculate the resonant frequency of a gargoyle-shaped antenna...
Bob, that's Virginia creeper. Absolutely lovely in the fall. Lucky gargoyle.
What load for witch? Will #8 shot made with cold iron do?
Mike James
Love that gargoyle...
Tam, it's "antennas". As I learned when I entered the E3 world, "Bugs have antennae, radars and radios have antennas. No, no one seems to know why -- that's just how it is."
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