Friday, March 29, 2019

Illegal Targets

500sq/ft lofts starting at $1,050/mo.
The allure of marketing on social media is level of demographic focus it can have.

Sometimes that focus can be pretty generic, such as the fact that I talk a lot about photography and visit a lot of photography -oriented groups and sites, so I see a lot of ads for camera stores, photo accessories & classes, and that sort of thing.

It can be more specifically focused, too. Say I'm selling McMansions or renting luxury lofts on the canal here in Indy. I could target my advertising to zip codes with a median household income above a certain threshold.

What happens if those zip codes aren't sufficiently racially diverse? Are the ads then discriminatory?Taken to its reductio ad absurdum, if I am a maker of "male enhancement" products or feminine hygiene products and I pay to advertise exclusively to one gender, is that sexism?