Monday, January 06, 2025

Snowmageddon '25

As predicted, it started snowing in earnest yesterday around lunchtime and it didn't really let up much. It's been cold enough the last few days that it started sticking almost immediately, too.

A little after noon on Sunday.

Peeking out the window, it looks like somewhere between six to eight inches of accumulation, and it's still snowing. The weatherman on the TV in the next room says to expect another 1" to 1.5" before it tapers off.

I'm waiting for daylight before I suit up and start shoveling. This is enough snow that I probably won't be able to open the gate from the back yard, so I'll have to shovel the walk to the garage, come back inside, and go out the front door to sweep the porch clear and shovel the front walks.

It's been a few years since we got this much all at once. The worst part is that it's not supposed to get above freezing at all until early next week, so it'll be with us for a while.
