Friday, August 26, 2022

Giving away your position...

"Basically, any time someone’s biggest objection to something, be it a flashlight, glowing tritium lamp or laser is “It’ll give away my position!” I have to wonder what sort of attacker they’re preparing for. If he doesn’t know your position, how is he attacking you in the first place?"

How do you say "giving away my position*" in Turkish?

*While I'm not a huge proponent of WML's on CCW guns, I do like them on a home defense gun, provided the user gets training in how to use it properly. There is, however, one particular use case for having a light on your CCW piece. Specifically, if you carry some off-brand gun hipster pistol that's hard to find quality holsters for and it has an accessory rail that will accommodate a Surefire X300, you can always carry it in a PHLster Floodlight or Bawidamann Gotham.