(For those unaware of the difference, an "FMJ" or "Full Metal Jacket" round usually has exposed lead on the base of the bullet. "TMJ" is Speer's trade terminology for "Total Metal Jacket"; the lead is entirely enclosed in a copper envelope. This removes a source of airborne lead. I will frequently just refer to these bullets as "FMJ" or "ball" in informal writing or conversation. Aspies and OCD sufferers will just have to deal.)
From a function standpoint, the round felt pretty Goldilocks; hot enough to cycle the gun with authority but not so hot that you felt the slide bottom out hard against the frame with each shot. On the other hand, I did have two incidents like the above photo during the range session, where the next round in line nosed down and caught the lower edge of the feed ramp. In both cases, slapping the magazine floorplate (the "tap" of "tap, rack, bang") was enough to send the slide forward into battery.
I'll take a box to MCF&G with a chrono here in the next day or two.
God I hate the sight picture on Glock factory sights. The instinct, especially if you've done a lot of shooting with three dot sights, is to line up the top edge of the dot with the top edges of the white verticals of the "cup" on the rear sight. This makes the top of the front sight blade sit proud of the notch. The correct sight picture is to have the dot centered in the cup, but the human brain doesn't automatically center small circles in 3/4-squares. Probably going to take a Sharpie or some black paint to that rear sight until I can beg, borrow, or buy some AmeriGlo CAPs
I've said it before and I'll say it again: The factory Glock sights are like the stock photos that come in picture frames or the cardboard credit cards that come in a new wallet: Just there as a placeholder until you fill the sight notches with the real thing.
Anyhow, that makes 269 total rounds fired with three failures to go completely into battery (#63, #78, #126) and two failures to feed (#221, #224). 1,731 rounds left to go.