Monday, October 10, 2011

Range Notes:

  • While the little 4" fixed-sight 22/45 is no target pistol, it's perfectly capable of hitting an 8" steel plate at 10ish yards... Edge on. ;)

  • Note to Self: Shooting up a car at 375 yards with a .308 FN SCAR is big, dirty fun.

  • Note to Self: The SCAR has a reciprocating charging handle, dummy.

  • I was really hoping I wouldn't like that FN .45 ACP pistol of Jennifer's. Oops. I wonder if they're still on sale anyplace?


Bubblehead Les. said...

RE SCAR "Heavy": If it's OldNFO's, welcome to the Club. There's a few of us who got to shoot it at Jay's and Breda's Shoots. We are hoping that it falls off the back of his truck.... ; )

RE Jennifer's FN in .45 ACP: If I could only convince the Wife....

Anonymous said...

I've been lusting over FN's 45 for a while now, it's good to hear positive reviews.

Old NFO said...

It was Les, and Tam DOESN'T miss with any gun she picks up!!!

Fred said...

Buddy just got a Mk17. Thanks for reminding me before I go shooting with him and break my thumb.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Of course Ms. K. can shoot! That's not the issue. The issue is whether your SCAR has a LoJack system on it, Shipmate. Now, I'm not saying you need to keep it chained to your body, but...... ; )

Anonymous said...

RE Jennifer's FN in .45 ACP:

Stock up on magazines. FN has a nasty habit of ceasing production and leaving their customers in the lurch. BDM magazines come to mind..

Al T.

Weer'd Beard said...

Les, as much as somebody might want to jack NFO's beautiful guns, I doubt anybody could jack ALL his guns...and he'll have his pick of the remaining beauties to shoot you with.

I got some serious gun lust at the blog shoot...but I know better to mess with somebody with guns like that! : )

That SCAR-17 is a thing of beauty!

Shame the mags are such a bummer to find.

global village idiot said...

2011: A Headspace Odyssey

Starring Tamara Keel.

Coming soon to a range near you.

DaddyBear said...

Yeah, the 22-45 is very nice. And the FN Jennifer has is very sexay.

As to trying to take one of NFO's rifles, well, I may not have much to live for, but I've got more than that!

Anonymous said...

I bought a used browning pro-9 a few years back, after making the mistake of holding it at the gunshow. There are very few things that feel better in my hand than that gun.

Drang said...

So, is the reciprocating charging handle as dangerous to the "operator" as that on the SA-80?

Old NFO said...

I'll give y'all a running start... :-) And Tam is as good with a rifle as she is with a pistol!!!

jetfxr69 said...

I am now reminded of the sniper's motto: "You can run, but you'll just die tired."

Owen said...

getting the the whacked on the MK17 doesn't hurt too bad. Not nearly as bad as M1 Thumb.

Non-reciprocating handle is inbound.

Goober said...

Note to Self: The SCAR has a reciprocating charging handle, dummy.

It does? That sucks. That was one of the things I liked most about the FAL - no reciprocating charge handle to catch on stuff you lean the rifle up against for steady. I wonder why FN changed the plan on that?

Guffaw in AZ said...

Word is out on YOU vs. the edge-on steel plate.
The Winnah! And Still Champeen
TAM, Queen of Snark!

Jennifer said...

Well if someone's going to out shoot me with my own gun, there's no shame in it being you that did it ;)

Matt G said...

The plates on the table were heavy enough that only a high hit with a .22 would knock them down. Tam hit one a little low and to one side (she was going very, very fast from plate to plate), and the plate turned edge-on to her. Not "almost" edge-on. Perpendicular to her on the firing line. She then shot the edge of the 5/16" steel plate with a round of .22 LR. It rang, and barely moved, maybe giving her a 1/2" target. She popped it again, and got a 1" wide target. She popped it again, and moved it not at all, as the bullet ricocheted off to the left side of the berm. It was then that I realized that she wasn't aiming at the center of the target that was presenting itself to her; she was still holding for the outside edge of the 1" wide swath of target visible. Once it was finally facing her, Tam knocked it flat back. Good times.

Anonymous said...

Re the FNP .45, CDNN has them for reasonably cheap. They also have the Tactical model which has a 5.3" threaded barrel and mount-point for a red dot. Both models are price-on-request, but IIRC the standard model is ~$650 and the Tactical is ~$1050. (If CDNN isn't your cup of tea, Davidson's has them too.)

I've shot the Tactical with a Trijicon red dot, and it's a pretty sweet pairing. Makes me wish I were independently wealthy.
