Saturday, April 19, 2014

Looking up...

It's been a long, depressing winter for a host of reasons, and as bad as it was, the weather was the least of them. Still, the mill wheel must turn; if you can keep from drowning while it's got you dunked, it'll pull you up out of the water on the other side.

Got a phone call from Farmer Frank last night. He got his discharge papers from the rehab place in Chicago (honorable ones, mind you!) and is now continuing his rehabilitation work closer to home, in Lafayette, IN. I don't know if it's true or not, but I've heard that being on Hoosier soil is, for Frank, like the light of a yellow sun is for Clark Kent.

Woke this morning to a glorious spring day. Kept to my morning exercises, to which I need to add more, got some chores done for work, and then rode my bike in to Broad Ripple Proper for brunch at Brugge Brasserie and a stop at the grocery store on the way home.

If this keeps up, I may even be able to write something.

The Broad Ripple SUV in it's natural habitat. The sunny weekend has brought the tourists out in droves.


Fred Gilbert said...

Tam: I choose not to share a lot of personal info in order to have various ids. That of course prevents me from commenting on some blogs even though I am a consistent reader of same. May I ask that you pass on my condolences and prayers to Brigid on the loss of her brother. First Barkley and now Big Bro. It is time for the loss in her life to end so healing can begin. Thank you, Fred G

Bubblehead Les. said...

Ah Spring! Don't forget while you're out and about to get Fresh Gasoline for the Lawnmower.

Yeah, it's that time again, Damnit!

Cincinnatus said...

I missed that about Brigid's brother. Oh, my, not a good year at all.

My best to Farmer Frank, all rehab is difficult but stroke rehab is a very difficult trial.

Sigman said...

Glad Farmer Frank continues to improve!

kfg said...

Took out the Quickbeam for a cruise today. It were lovely, although the temperature was right at that point where my hands get too sweaty with gloves, but too cold without them.

I use a push reel mower. Powered by beef and cheddar, just like my vehicles. I got some while was out and about.

Mike_C said...

>Still, the mill wheel must turn; if you can keep from drowning while it's got you dunked, it'll pull you up out of the water on the other side.

It'd be easy to dismiss that as a platitude, yet that's actually helpful for some reason. The Buddhist advice of course is to get off of The Wheel in the first place. At the least we should not lash ourselves to the wheel. Pity my devout agnosticism (sic) keeps me from the path to enlightenment.

Happy Patriot's Day one and all!