Firstly, the GOP members of the committee, being the minority party, tried to jam the works up with parliamentary procedure every chance they got. This is how parliamentary politics works, and it's what they're expected to do. I don't have a problem with it, even if it's annoying to watch; this is how the sausage gets made.
Secondly, the actual evidentiary portions of the hearing were nothing but watching a bunch of grown-ass adults acting like kindergarteners on a playground. If you want the TL;DR transcript of the hours of witness testimony & questioning yesterday, here it is, starting at 9AM:
Dems: "Trump put his personal political gain ahead of the interests of the country and abused the powers of his office."Lather, rinse, and repeat for several hours until the station cut away to the Ellen show at 3PM.
GOP: "Nuh-uh."
Dems: "Yuh-huh."
GOP: "Nuh-uh."
Dems: "Yuh-huh."