Saturday, December 07, 2019

Wrapping up the training calendar...

For a year that I'd originally expected to be pretty light on training, 2019 wound up being my third busiest.

I not only got in a bucket list class, in the form of Craig Douglas's Armed Movement In Structures, but I also ventured a little further afield from more usual shooting-type content by sneaking in the pepper spray class with Chuck and the lockpicking/entry & escape class this weekend.

I also got to see two curricula I was very interested in checking out, in the form of Jedi's red dot/AIWB class and John Johnston's Technical Handgun: Tests and Standards. Both are very performance-oriented pure shooting classes and seeing the two presented only a month or so apart was pretty cool. A surprise occurrence was a mini one-day class from Aaron Cowan at a manufacturer launch event.

Now comes the winter downtime, with probably nothing on my plate until Tac-Con, right near the time the trees start budding again. Plenty of time to practice what I've learned!