Tuesday, July 04, 2023

China Syndrome

Man, here's an evergreen bit of conpiranoia at that hub of kookery, Whirled Nut Daily:
"...Chinese migrants are gaining entry to the U.S. through the southern border, in "unprecedented numbers."

"Once here, the military fighters can link up with China's agents already in place or Chinese diplomats," he said, estimated their numbers already had 5,000 to 10,000.
Connoisseurs of vintage Reynolds Wrap yarmulke nonsense will recall that this is a dramatic reduction in force from the 1990s, when the black helicopter crowd was assuring me that there were whole infantry divisions of the People's Liberation Army hiding out in secret bases in the Rocky Mountains, just waiting for orders from their UN masters. (Also possibly backed up by further PLA divisions lurking just across the Rio Grande.)
