Saturday, July 15, 2023

Pew! Pew! Pew!

The wee hours of Friday morning in scenic downtown Anderson, Indiana (pop. 54,788) suddenly turned into something out of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Meets the Keystone Kops".

Three dudes are at the gas pumps of the Jackson Mart convenience store at the corner of Jackson & 5th, kitty corner from the Anderson Fire Department HQ, when all of a sudden and for no reason at all, some dude (or dudes) in a passing vehicle took umbrage at them and cut loose with a fusillade of bullets at the trio.

Well, not appreciating being the target of a drive-by shooting, our protagonists at the gas pumps produce pistols of their own and return fire at their passing antagonists.

Meanwhile, stopped at the red light there at 5th & Jackson, is one Deputy Lemon of the Madison County Sheriff's Department. He doesn't see the drive-by shooter, just the dudes at the gas pump blazing away. Deducing that they must be shooting at him, he decides that what this situation needs is yet another person shooting up the environs of the Anderson business district at zero dark thirty, so he exits his cruiser, draws his popper, and gets to poppin'.

Net casualties (that we know of) are one 20-yr. old Mr. Ivy, one of the original trio at the gas pump, who stopped a bullet...although whose bullet he stopped is not yet known at the time of this writing. He was treated and released at a local hospital, and the Indiana State Police are trying to sort out who it was who winged him. As far as I can tell, the drivers-by are still at large.

My personal takeaways from this incident: "Avoid kwik-e-marts in the middle of the night unless absolutely necessary", and "Just because other people are shooting it doesn't mean I have to start blazing away, too".