Saturday, July 22, 2023

Fantasy Kablooie

I got sidetracked a couple times but just finished up The Elfstones of Shannara.

You can tell that Terry Brooks got very excited writing some of those climactic battle scenes. I give it fifty-fifty odds that he made sound effects noises with his mouth during the aerial duel, perhaps pausing his typing to mime stuff out with his hands like a pilot describing a dogfight.

Next off the shelf is Reflections in a Jaundiced Eye. It's been a while since I last re-read any of Miss King's stuff, so it's time to check in again.

Looking forward to swimming in some quotes like this:
“If you want to watch Americans throw democracy and equality to the winds and enshrine them at one and the same time, get tapped for jury duty and listen while one side eliminates Catholics who went to college and the other side eliminates Protestants who went to high school, until there’s nobody left but twelve people incapable of understanding the case. That’s the jury.”
